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How to add a link to a description field?

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    How to add a link to a description field?

    Hi, I am trying to add links to a description field. I am able to add the details into the 'Information Link Text' and 'File/URL' fields, but the link does not appear on the page. If I type the link into the Full Description text box I get the text of the HTML. Can anyone advise me on this please?
    Thanks for your help

    please search the forum before asking any question as this has been covered many times before.

    amongst the hundreds of results you could have found for yourself this thread will help


      Thanks for your help. I'm sure I would have found it if I had used the right search terms, but comparing your 7553 posts to my 3, this is bound to seem more obvious to you.


        Actually, you didn't even need to ask on the Forum as this is documented in the Actinic Help. Searching there for just "HTML" would have put it second on the returned list.

        Jo's 7,000 odd posts aren't her asking questions but offering answers to others, so you may see why she gets a bit narked when the same basic question is asked time and again when a bit of searching would find an answer.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

