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error retrieving orders

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    error retrieving orders


    I'm using worldpay to take payments on an Actinic Business v6.1.2 based site.

    Whenever I retrieve orders I get an error message saying that the payment signature (or something similar to that...) is incorrect and I'm forced to either abort the download or I have to download the order as a 'CC details sent seperately' type order.

    If I proceed to download the order, it sits in the 'pending' section of the orders in Business.

    I'm getting confirmation from worldpay of the payments and the customer gets a payment confirmation from worldpay as well.

    I'm not sure if customers are getting order confirmation from Actinic though.

    Any ideas as to why this happens or what to do about it?

    I guess it would help if I got the message that appears right....

    'One or more orders did not have their PSP processing completed at the time that the order was downloaded. This is usually because the buyer aborted the transaction before entering their credit card details. If they are in th emiddle of the order, the payment will be detectd when you next download orders. Otherwise, the orders can be viewed by clicking 'pending PSP' in the 'Orders' window'

    I've tried downloading the orders again later, but the order remains in 'Pending PSP' - the only way to get the order to move is to manually go into the order details > view payments >new entry, and create a payment. This then moves the order pending from where it can be completed.

    Is this an actinic problem or should I be talking to worldpay about it..?


      Are you in fact getting two messages, one saying something like 'Invalid Signature' and the second one as above?

      An invalid signature message refers to the 'Secret Key' which you will have set up initially.

      You will need to confirm whether the key is right with Worldpay and re-enter it, then upload.
      "OK Venus?"
      "OK Steve!"
      "Right then, lets go!


        'One or more orders did not have their PSP processing completed at the time that the order was downloaded. This is usually because the buyer aborted the transaction before entering their credit card details. If they are in th emiddle of the order, the payment will be detectd when you next download orders. Otherwise, the orders can be viewed by clicking 'pending PSP' in the 'Orders' window'
        this tends to mean the customer changed their mind and didn't continue with the purchase within Worldpay.


          Hi Steve,
          I am getting both messages - i had thought they were both part of the same error... Anyway, I've re-entered the secret key from worldpay and still the same problem - I've contacted worldpay to see if there is an error with the secret key...lets see what they say...

          and Hi Jo,
          I'm getting the same message even for orders that I've got confirmed payment for from Worldpay...

          Is it possible to just get the confirmed orders - so that if a customer does abort a purchase that I don't have to download that aborted order?

          thanks for your help on this!


            Originally posted by amokhera
            Is it possible to just get the confirmed orders - so that if a customer does abort a purchase that I don't have to download that aborted order?
            Unfortunately it does not work like that, all of the orders are in two bits.
            The actual order (completed and stored before your customer goes to Worldpay) and a file that you get when the payment has been authorised.
            Normally these two bits are downloaded and joined on your machine, but if there is anything wrong (the payment is unauthorised, the secret key does not match, something stops communication between the two servers) the authorisation file is not created, meaning that the orders go into PSP pending.

            The 'Invalid Signature' though refers only to the 'Secret Key'.
            "OK Venus?"
            "OK Steve!"
            "Right then, lets go!


              I've just got a new secret key from worldpay - hopefully that will help...

