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customer wants vat receipt

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    customer wants vat receipt


    our invoices show the price including vat which is the same as shown on our site. How can i print an invoice showing the net, vat and gross figures?
    I tried altering some settings but it changed all the shown prices on the site to excluding vat which is not what i want.
    If I show something as £20 it is inc vat and it shows on the receipt as £20 which is fine for most people. If someone requests a vat invoice I would need to show unit cost £17.02, vat £2.98, total £20

    how can I do this?


    If its a one-off or something you will not use too often, just create a Word or Excel receipt outside of actinic. No need to be done within actinic at all and you certainly don't want to bugger your whole site up just to do this one thing. Just do it on headed paper, it will be fine.

    Having said that if you are charging VAT, i think you should be providing a breakdown as standard, in which case probably worth taking the time to adjust your prices and do things properly on your site.


      Hi Lee,

      I will do a one off receipt this time.
      When we started the site we were not vat registered, but as we grew we had to register. Is there no way of showing the price as £20 and actinic calculating the vat content from that? It seems a real pain if I have to go through every item and calculate the net figure before inputting the price.


        Originally posted by aliscot
        Is there no way of showing the price as £20 and actinic calculating the vat content from that? It seems a real pain if I have to go through every item and calculate the net figure before inputting the price.
        I think this is a big issue with Actinic at the minute and I believe that the only way to change from vat inclusive (non-vat registered) to vat registered without any change of overall pricing in the catalog is to re-enter ALL prices to EXCLUDE vat so Actinic can add it back on.
        I think it's something that is being worked on by Actinic...but that's no help to you (or us, as Jesters is just in the process of being vat registered and will shortly need the whole site pricing changing soon )



          If you export your catalog, and then run the below formula on the field that currently contains the price, it will take the vat part off for you. You then import the spreadsheet back into actinic, change the method of taxing and actinic will add the tax back on for you. The formula to do this is:


          where A1 is the cell reference that contains the current price, change it to suit. You can also run a query in Access, it all depends on your experience/confidence, it is a relatively quick process usually.


            You will still need to check your prices once you've done this (though it is certainly quicker than doing it by hand).

            The rounding of prices inc VAT is often out by +/- 1p and some prices such as £3.99 just can't be done without manually setting the VAT.

            The big problem is that prices in the cart and checkout are shown as ex-vat even though you've set up actinic to show prices inc VAT. And the P+P charges at checkout are shown ex-vat and VAT then added to them. This is a big mess and confuses and upsets customers (and me who has deal with them).

            Still, we're promised V9 is going to fix all this. So I'm all ready and waiting. (it is coming soon isn't it? I haven't heard of any alpha/beta testing yet so I'm not terribly convinced this 'more/smaller releases' is actually going according to plan)


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              It's a month behind plan from what i gather. They wouldn't dare to not fix the VAT issue this time, they would be linched. Publicly guaranteed to be done in V9, they won't go back on that.


                I'm in no rush for v9. I'd rather have a couple of good maintenance releases for v8 first.


                  I agree Duncan and i don't think it will launch until late this year anyway, but it would be good to see a beta. What i do want to see is that they have contacted some external actinic users/designers and have them on board to help test.


                    I'm in no rush for v9. I'd rather have a couple of good maintenance releases for v8 first.
                    I'm still using V6 so I'm probably not a typical actinic user as far as this goes.

                    Offline ordering that doesn't allow you to override the price has no real advantage over just placing the order online, and I just tried it on my copy of V8 and discovered it's all wrong anyway. You have to fill in the customers details before you can create the order which is completely back to front (you wouldn't do this online would you?).

                    I can just see the discussion now. Customer phones up:

                    "Hello, I'd like to buy an xyz. Have you got it in stock"

                    - Let me check for you. What's your name and address?

                    "I just want to know if it's in stock."

                    - I'm sorry, I can't check for you unless you give me your name and address. It's the way our system works.

                    "Look. All I want to do is find out if it's in stock. I'm not giving you my address just to do that. Goodbye"

                    The way it should work.

                    Customer - "Hello, have you got XYZ in stock?" (or "Can I buy", etc)
                    Operator - "Yes we do, the price is £n, would you like to buy it now?"
                    Customer - "yes please"
                    Operator - "OK, that's fine. Would you like anything else? How about an ABC to go with it"
                    Customer - "Oh, that's a good idea. I'll take one of these as well"
                    Operator - "OK. I've added that. Anything else?"
                    Customer - "No, that's all for now"
                    Operator - "Ok. Now can I have your name and address please..."

                    Then there's the VAT stuff that's still to be addressed.

                    V9's the one for me.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


