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Multiple product layout on one page

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    Multiple product layout on one page


    Can anyone help me, I am trying to display about 15 - 20 products on one page, with linked to shopping cart where by customer can confirm the quantity and place the order. Also on this confirmation i like to add short note and date option where by costomer can input short message and delivery date on confirmation paage.

    if any one like to visit my web please typein

    Try Norman's Multi column product layout:


      I am trying to display about 15 - 20 products on one page
      You may want to play around with column layouts using the Actinic options.

      20 products could look like 5 wide by 4 high.

      You can set the "5 wide" easily in V7 but you can't control the "4 high", unless you frig it with your section tree layout, have a go you will see what I mean.

      To set a default for your whole site goto:

      Design Options > Sections > Default Location and Arrangement of Section Lists
      Enter the number of columns you want in First Row Count and Second Row Count as you require. (Sometimes nice to have a large product on row one and smaller on subsequent rows, or set both to equal numbers for 'grid like' styles).

      So in your case set First Row and Subsequent to 5, considerate that your image sizes need to share out the space across your screen. (Based on a 760px width - some edged/borders etc your looking at 600/5 = 120px per product, and so on. Experiment with this until your happy).

      In adition you can adjust First Row and Subsequent quantities locally per section if you have a section that sits outside the normal by going to the:

      Section Details Window > Layout > Overide Default Settings

      Experiment on.

      can confirm the quantity and place the order. Also on this confirmation i like to add short note and date option where by costomer can input short message and delivery date on confirmation paage.
      The Shopping Mode section in each section detail will help you here.

      Section Details Window > Layout > Shopping Mode

      However you may be asking a few crossed things here, but maybe someone else can advise??

      I think, Set Quantity on Product Page is what you want, this will also initiate the Date Prompt and Other Question prompt, which sounds like is NOT what you want?

      I'm not 100% sure how to only ask on confirmation?

      Simply play with these controls, and Preview you can't go too wrong.

      Happy designing.

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