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norton security error

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    norton security error

    Hi there,

    Can anyone tell me if the problems that are encountered when running norton's internet security along with actinic have been resolved yet?

    I have been reading emails that have been posted previously on this site but can't seem to find out how to solve the error I am getting when actinic tries to bounce you back after adding an item to the cart.

    I am running v

    Many thanks,


    first thing to do is update to the latest patch of v6 which is 6.1.3


      I will try that this evening.
      Will that solve the problem then?


        What is the problem exactly?
        "OK Venus?"
        "OK Steve!"
        "Right then, lets go!



          The problem occurs when you have norton's internet security running on your machine, and you then add an item to your actinic cart.

          Adding a product to your cart takes you to a page that shows you the contents of your cart, and then after a set period of time bounces you back to the page you came from. When you have norton internet security running on your machine for some reason you are not redirected to the page you came from, but are presented with an error.

          One way to avoid this problem is to turn off the privacy controls in norton, but this is not really a satisfactory solution as shoppers will be unaware that they have to do this.



            I don't honestly know if 6.1.3 cures the problem, there is a chance that it will. But it isn't worth looking at the problem until you have 6.1.3


              you are not redirected to the page you came from, but are presented with an error.
              I think what you are seeing is due to the Norton software, but not how you think, I suspect that your catalog does not have an initial page called 'index.html', you have called it something else.
              Norton has stripped the referring information from the call, so normally there is fallback code within the scripts to go back to:-


              if this page does not exist, then something like a 404 error wold be seen (I presume).
              There are workarounds, if you do not wish to rename your first page, you can create a page called 'index.html' that re-directs to the base page of the catalog and upload it manually to the acatalog directory on the site.
              "OK Venus?"
              "OK Steve!"
              "Right then, lets go!


                if you do not wish to rename your first page, you can create a page called 'index.html' that re-directs to the base page of the catalog and upload it manually to the acatalog directory on the site.
                ... or alternatively modify the script following the instructions in this kb article.

                Ben Popplestone
                Ecommerce website software


                  Thanks Steve / Ben,

                  I have tryed using the piece of code as suggested Ben:

                  elsif (ACTINIC::IsStaticPage($sReferrer) && !$bRealRefferer)
                  $$::g_pSetupBlob{CATALOG_URL} . $$::g_pSetupBlob{'CATALOG_PAGE'});

                  I have found that this works and redirects the user back to the catalog base page.

                  Do you know how I can alter this piece of code so that the user is redirected to a differenent page in my catalog.

                  Thanks for your help



                    Originally posted by daz
                    I have found that this works and redirects the user back to the catalog base page.
                    I think this is about the best you can acheive, and remember not everyone will have this problem, only people using Norton products.
                    "OK Venus?"
                    "OK Steve!"
                    "Right then, lets go!


                      We are planning to introduce a fix for the issue introduced by Norton Internet Security 2003 in the next maintenance release of v6.

                      The issue is that Norton Internet Security strips out the information Actinic needs to tell it what page to take the customer back to once they have added to the cart.

                      I can't give any dates of when that will be ready yet, but there will be a posting on this forum when the beta program is ready to start.


                        Thanks everyone for your help,


