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How to set up Email Contact Form

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    How to set up Email Contact Form


    I have recently started getting someone sending out spoof emails from various gmail accounts with my email address as the return path.

    As a result I am getting a huge number of "undeliverable" messages to my inbox. I have contacted my hosts (Fasthosts) & Google but they can't seem to sort the problem.

    I will have to change my email structure to set up a contact form for incoming emails so no spammers can see my address, plus have an outgoing email address only for sending messages out.

    My hosts are Fasthosts. Does anyone have any tips or experiences to share in this process.

    Thanks : Improving well being and enjoyment of life - Naturally

    why don't you use the actinic inbuilt form.

    someone sending out spoof emails
    look at implementing SPF


      Ive been looking through the advanced user guide but can only find a section "Using an Email Link that is Invisible to Spammers"
      Is this what I need to use?

      When my site was originally set up Actinic set up a "contact us" menu that generates an email for the person making the enquiry in their own email application. I wondered if this can be easily changed to get what I am looking for.

      Thanks : Improving well being and enjoyment of life - Naturally


        Clicking the "Contact Us" Menu seems to run the file mf000001. Perhaps I can insert some code in this to hide my email address. Alternatively I would need to do a form but cannot find how this is done in Actinic V7.

        Can anyone help? : Improving well being and enjoyment of life - Naturally


          if you use the actinic form your email address is hidden.

          although to counteract spam you will need to ditch the compromised address and use a new one


            thanks Jo, I would like to use a form, but cannot seem to find out how. Are there instructions anywhere?
   : Improving well being and enjoyment of life - Naturally


              I have put the code to hide the email adress from spammers into various places on my site & now a form is generated but when i tested it the email did not come through.

              An error message was genereted "Error returned from SMTP server (3: Bad address syntax )"

              Any ideas how to fix?
     : Improving well being and enjoyment of life - Naturally


                Problem now fixed by Actinic Suport
       : Improving well being and enjoyment of life - Naturally


                  Problem now fixed by Actinic Suport
                  How about detailing the solution so others can learn from it


                    I got this reply from Actinic Support which fixed the problem:

                    "This is a bug that has been fixed in V7.0.7. It is advisable that you upgrade to 7.0.7, as it has a lot of updates and fixes.

                    However, if you are not interested in doing that at the moment there is a fix for this particular problem, so if you could remove the following lines from then spammers will hopefully go away. Note that you may still get emails, but no emails will be sent to the world in your name.

                    # Send the same message to the sender

                    # Withe a "thank you" prefix


                    $sTextMailBody = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2379) . "\r\n\r\n" .


                    my @Response = ACTINIC::SendMail($::g_sSmtpServer, $sEmailRecpt,

                    $sSubject, $sTextMailBody, $$::g_pSetupBlob{EMAIL});

                    if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)


                    ACTINIC::RecordErrors($Response[1], ACTINIC::GetPath());

                    $sError = $Response[1];


                    Please make a backup for your script file before making any changes, an original copy of the script can be found within the 'Original' folder in your installation."

                    Hopefiully this helps someone
           : Improving well being and enjoyment of life - Naturally

