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Suddenly my emails stopped!

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    Hi Norman,

    I take it that it would work for v7 of Actinic, which is what I am running ?

    Thank you


      yes it will work for all versions, you will just need to adapt the mods that Norman has written to the actual perl scripts in front of you.

      Just make sure you take a backup first so you can easily restore.


        Norman - you are a super-star! and the rest of you who put up with us bumbling novices.

        You've guessed it - Norman's mod from port 25 to Sendmail works for me on v7 !
        I couldn't face anymore last night so got up with clear head and did it - And backed-up an original copy of plus a mod version put in a seperate folder so I dont have to redo when I take up an actinic update.

        My wife is doing a test purchase to see if that side of things is ok. So thanks again until the next curve that gets thrown my way.

        This is the last reply from my webhost

        The data centre replied as follows

        "Using another port will not solve anything. They should be using the sendmail
        binary in the script to send out email as I mentioned in my response - as all
        CGI scripts should. If you want to allow them to send email using SMTP then
        you'll have to disable the option mentioned, but accept the greatly reduced
        security on your server and we will need written authorisation that you accept
        liabaility .."
        If the issue of 'port 25 blocking is well documented are you sure they do have a work around it. I find it hard to believe that a paid software will want to compromise security

        So, its a pity that Actinic couldn't have done Norman's mod (as normal) as an update to save us all this issue if many webhosts are now blocking port 25. I got no warning of this. Maybe I am being to general here and it will never be a problem for others.

        Anyway thanks you guys - all the best Pete


          PS: The test payments worked and 'Catalog Order Received' came in as a good email. So everything works.

          Bye for now

          One very happy bunny!

