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Customer eMail list Management Question

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    Customer eMail list Management Question

    Is there a way to generate a CSV (or similar) file containing customers deatails and email address from the catalogue?

    I have looked at the reports and email section, but I cant seem to find a way to do every customer at once.

    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
    Words of Discovery
    Positive Books for Children
    To Enlighten, Educate and Inspire.

    If you have Microsoft Access, you can access the details in the Actinic Database. You should be able to producte a report with the information you require.

    Its in the Site 1 Directory and called ActinicCatalog.mdb

    I would suggest making a copy and experimenting with that first.

    Alan Stanley



      That was most helpful.

      I found what i needed and more.
      Words of Discovery
      Positive Books for Children
      To Enlighten, Educate and Inspire.


        How about enabling Export to Files in Business Settings | Ordering, highlighting the orders you want to export and right-click to select ReExport to Files. It's best to only export the completed orders as exporting the orders in Pending will send them into Completed.

        The customer information will be in persons.csv

        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software


          a safer way

          rather than open your actinic catalog.mdb and potentially corrupt it, there is a feature built into actinic that you can use.

          in View>Business Settings>Ordering tab you can tick the box that says 'enable export to files'

          this will allow you then to export the five files listed and as default they go into your site1 folder or wherever you browse to and choose.

          to get them to run, you then in actinic go to reports and a new choice 'outstanding exports' will become available, choose that and your files are exported.

          one thing to be careful of is that each time you export them, they save as the same filename as the last time, overwriting the previous export, why? I dont know, could actinic or somebody tell me a simple way to get actinic to save it with a unique day/time appended to the file....

          anyway, going via those exported files to get the info you require is far far safer than directly editing/reading the .mdb

          in my honest opinion

          steve quinn
          harlequin domains

          0800 0832077
          Hosting, Design and Specialist Marketing Services for Actinic Websites

