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Moving to a new PC

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    Moving to a new PC

    I've bought a new PC to put our Actinic install on. I've stuck with XP since Vista still seems a bit flaky for some people so it shouldn't behave any differently to the current machine.

    I've read through some of the threads on this and advice seems to be:

    1 - Install Actinic on the new PC
    2 - Import a Snapshot
    3 - Copy across the Site1 folder from the old PC overwriting all the files on the new PC
    4 - Do a complete site refresh

    I've made quite a lot of tweaks to the various things including some of the perl scripts (mostly on advice from this forum). Is this the best way to ensure they all come across?

    Also, for ease of use I keep all our images outside of the Actinic folder. Its not problem to copy them across to the new PC as well but the pathway for the images includes the user profile

    eg C:\Documents and Settings\User1\My Documents\Images\PS-dress-apple-Bla-S.jpg

    To ensure these paths don't get broken, would it be easiest to ensure the profile I create on the new machine has the same name as on the old machine?


    You should not have to do step 3 as the snapshot should drag everything across - although it will not harm if you have other files in there which are not picked up.

    Paths should not be in the document folder. Rather than pfaff around with the new installation location you would be better moving the images into the site1 folder on your current machine ... this will then allow you to install the snapshot onto any machine and not make that match the old machine. You can edit paths in the database.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Originally posted by nka
      Also, for ease of use I keep all our images outside of the Actinic folder. Its not problem to copy them across to the new PC as well but the pathway for the images includes the user profile

      eg C:\Documents and Settings\User1\My Documents\Images\PS-dress-apple-Bla-S.jpg
      That is just plain madness, like moving your car's petrol tank onto the front seat so you can see it when you are driving. What would drive you to do something so mad? You are breaking one of the fundamental rules of actinic store management.

      Move images into the site1 folder, it is no different whatsoever to your current setup, keep it simple. You are introducing headaches and will probably moan about the amount of tablets you need to buy to cure them.

      If you persist with this method, then set up and identical file structure on the new system (My Docs copy surely?) and then import a snapshot.


        Also, for ease of use I keep all our images outside of the Actinic folder
        As lee says this is madness - do a forum search for missing site images and you will see the problems it causes. When you import your snapshot you may find all the images are missing

