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Discount based on a two purchases ....

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    Discount based on a two purchases ....


    Is this possible?

    Day 1:
    I want to charge up front for creating tailored samples of a product, e.g. £5.
    The basket at this stage will say
    "Made 2 Order Sample = £5.00'

    Day 2:
    I will then post the sample onto my site as a Product at full price, e.g. £20.

    Day 3 and forever:
    If the customer then likes the sample and wishes to proceed to buy the finished article, he can "Add to Cart" and I will refund their £5.
    The basket at this stage will say
    "Customers New Tailored Sign = £20.00'
    "Deposit Refund = - £5.00 '
    "Total Payable = "15.00"

    Q1. How do I get that deposit refund in?

    Q2. Now the tricky bit is.... if I post the sign on the webste and someone else fancies it who didn't pay a £5, how do I make sure they do not get a discount, and pay the full £20?

    Tricky or not possible?

    your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
    ... download once use as many times as you like !

    You leave it as £20 for all to buy and provide a 'coupon code' for those who paid the £5. Noone can get the £5 off unless they know the coupon code then.


      Not sure if I can do this on V7 Catalog.
      But does sound like the obvious choice.

      Is an upgrade straight forward?
      Any other ideas?

      (P.S. Do I assume congratulations is in order?)
      your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
      ... download once use as many times as you like !


        no, you need Business to do that, you're right.
        Upgrading from Catalog to Business is easy...except I doubt you'll get a V7 business license now.

        Upgrading form V7 to V8, however....whole other kettle of fish...


          Originally posted by simonwar
          Not sure if I can do this on V7 Catalog.
          But does sound like the obvious choice.

          Is an upgrade straight forward?
          Any other ideas?

          (P.S. Do I assume congratulations is in order?)
          Business only and you'd do well to find an upgrade now, V8 your only option. For what it's worth i'd hide the product in a pretty non descript place so only a hardened surfer could find it. The £5 here and there you lose will be nothing compared to the upgrade costs and possible (most likely?) stress an upgrade will cause.

          Yep he's here and 4 weeks old today, ty.


            Originally posted by leehack
            The £5 here and there you lose will be nothing compared to the upgrade costs and possible (most likely?) stress an upgrade will cause.
            most likely = definite LOL

            that was very tactful, Lee


              LOL bumpsy, i'm sure his site is heavily modded if my memory serves me right, goodnight Vienna on an upgrade IMO.


                It is, well modded, upgrade no go at the mo!

                I'll do what you advise and work around it..... directly discounting the product until the client picks it up and then removing the discount after.

                and congratulations to ya, hope your getting some sleep somewhere!

                Cheers, S.
                your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                ... download once use as many times as you like !



                  Alternatively could you put the discounted item onto a password protected page of your catalog using ".htaccess- password protection" and send your customer the password when they spend the £5 sample charge.
                  Darren Guppy
                  Golf Tee Warehouse
                  Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.

