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Spaced out files man!

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    Spaced out files man!

    Hi all

    I have an irritating problem after a re-installation of V6 onto a new PC. Whenever I update my site I get a warning about one of the image files that V6 thinks I am trying to send ("There are spaces in this file name, some browsers will not be able to.... etc etc")

    The problem is that not only am I not trying to send this file, but it doesn't even exist!

    I've FTP'd into my site and there and deleted the problematic file from the server, thinking that perhaps I would get clue as to what exactly is going on next time I uploaded, but no joy...

    Small problem I know, but it's maddening to set it off on a refresh and come back half an hour later to find that it has hung on this warning.

    Anyone know how I can stop it trying to send this file?


    Steve Robertson

    Sounds like a strange one.... have you included it as an additional file?


      You could try using windows Find command to search your Site1 folder for files containing that filename. If it's snuck into some template that should show it up.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

