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Protx - Authenticate & Authorize

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    Protx - Authenticate & Authorize

    We use Actnic versions for our website Since the start of the month we have been trying to get Authenticate & Authorize (A & A) to work with our site.

    We have been in an protacted email correspondace with Protx and have followed thir instructions and changed the correct lines in the OCCProtxScriptTemplate file from "PAYMENT" to "AUTHENTICATE" however when we test the site we get:


    VSP Form Transaction Error

    This transaction attempt has failed. We are unable to redirect you back to
    the web store from which you were purchasing. The details of the failure are
    given below.



    Status Detail:

    3014 : The TxType or PaymentType is invalid.


    We have been extremely careful to ensure the word AUTHENTICATE is correctly spelt and have re-uploaded the information so many times that even if there was an error it would have been replaced.

    The last email received today from Protx states the following:

    "Actinic have not yet made any changes to their system to work with our new system despite being told to do so. So we created this patch in the hope that it would resolve some of the Actinic issues, although it does not seem to be effective with different Actinic versions. Please contact Actnic and make sure that they provide you with the necessary upgrade to work with our new system."

    I have searched the Actinic forum for suggestions and can see that other users have experienced the same problem but I can't see that a solution has been found.

    Has anyone gone through this process and got their site working and if so how?

    Just an update as we have now resovled the problem.

    The Protx Template we were using was Protocol Version 2.2 and not 2.22. Version 2.22 works fine with Actinic 7.07.


      I am having issues with this. Please tell me exactly what you changed as no matter how many times I read the guide I still get issues.
      Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA

