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Web site to slow

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    Web site to slow

    Hi All

    Can anyone tell me if there is a way to speed up my website, as a few of my customers have said that the site is very slow and un usable. . I find it odd as when im on it it runs ok,

    Is there a way round this

    Thank you
    Genuine & Alternative parts for Rolls Royce and Bentley Cars

    Yes, make your web pages smaller:

    519 K Bytes is too large.

    296 K bytes of this is images
    202 K bytes of this is CSS.

    It works for you because your browser has cached the images and css.

    Put your url in here and look at the results.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      i have done the web site check and it says that the

      total image
      total size
      total objects
      total script
      html size
      image size
      script size

      are all to big, How do I make them smaller as I add about 10 new parts daily and hope to have an image on all items. I see website with lots more items / images than ours.

      Is actinic the wrong item for me ? or is there a way to compress or reduce the sizes?
      Genuine & Alternative parts for Rolls Royce and Bentley Cars


        OK - here's a few points I can see:

        1. Your website is reporting that it is hosted near Wichita, Kansas* which won't help the load times for your UK customers, nor your UK based Search engine rankings e.g. Google UK

        2. Your HTML home page is reporting some very strange META information e.g.
        2 different <Actinic:BASEHREF /> tags with one showing
        <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE="" FORCED=1/>
        which is worrying as it is not even the domain the site is hosted on. I assume this was from an older site? It should be sorted out as all your META tags are duplicated.

        3. Your HTML is invalid as well. There are unclosed tags and missing tags on this page e.g. there is no closing </html> tag on the page.

        4. As Mike has stated your website is quite bloated. 519Kb is large for a website, especially if it is transferring information across the Atlantic. Aim for as low/small as possible.

        5. You are using <font> tags to control font formatting. You should consider CSS to control formatting as it can be a far more efficient way to control style on your page without adding HTML bloat

        6. Lastly - why do you have right click disabled? It's a personal bug-bear of mine and a practice I disagree with. If it is for "image protection" reasons then you should be aware that you are not stopping anyone from taking your code/pictures or anything else displayed on your website. Screen shots, "view source" etc are some simple methods for taking your content from your site.
        I feel it just frustrates customers by removing "normal" functions from their browsing experience.

        Just my thruppence - I hope it is taken in a constructive way.
        Last edited by fergusw; 28-Aug-2007, 12:21 PM. Reason: *DNS report shows Wichita - may not be accurate. No "Lineman for the county" quotes please :)
        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

        SellerDeck Hosting
        SellerDeck Digital Marketing


          Your cccp.gif image is 250kb. Changing this to a static image could save you >200kb alone.



            I have fixed items 2 & 3 on above list also taken off the cccp.gif. The CSS i will have a look at see how to do that. Can any answer the folowing

            1) At the monent a have about 1000 items listed on the site some with photos, In the end the site should have 2000 all with photos, how can i do this if its running slow this now ?

            2) is there any way to get the photos memory size smaller, but keeping the same picture size 320 x 240 pixels, most should be .jpg ?

            Thank you
            Genuine & Alternative parts for Rolls Royce and Bentley Cars


              get firefox and get the yslow plugin.

              522.3k total page size for frist visit.



                You could also replace - in your Primary Template(s)

                <!--@act NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTREE_RAW -->

                as this is loading over 200Kb. You're only using this to show the top-level Sections anyway but are loading the entire Section structure.


                <!--@act NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONS_RAW -->

                instead and that's another 200Kb saved.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  1) At the moment a have about 1000 items listed on the site some with photos, In the end the site should have 2000 all with photos, how can i do this if its running slow this now ?
                  The important thing is the size of the images on each page (not the total site). So as long as all the images aren't on the same page then there isn't a problem.

                  2) is there any way to get the photos memory size smaller, but keeping the same picture size 320 x 240 pixels, most should be .jpg ?
                  Most photos should be jpeg format. the gif format is best for drawn images where only a few different colours are used.

                  Most photo editor programs will allow you to change the amount of compression used when the file is saved (and hence file size) irrespective of the photo dimensions.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    i have installed firefox with yslow plug-in

                    It has came up with a page full of errors within the following files


                    below is a same for the actinicextras.js file

                    Line breaking error: ')'. line 19, char 39:
                    var act_cart= getCookie("CART_CONTENT")

                    Missing ';' line 19, char 40:
                    var act_cart= getCookie("CART_CONTENT")

                    Use '!==' to compare with 'null'. line 20, char 22:
                    var sTemp =(act_cart != null) ? sTemp=act_cart.split("\t"):0

                    Can anyone tell me if it is ok to make all the changes that firefox recomends?

                    Thank you
                    Genuine & Alternative parts for Rolls Royce and Bentley Cars


                      Unless you have modified the js then don't change it.

