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Protx Setup with 7.07

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    Protx Setup with 7.07

    After upgrading the PSP with Bruce's download yesterday and not having any success I decided to upgrade to 7.07. Upgraded, updated Protx password and e-mail address, changed the number in OCCUpgrade.ini to 1111 and - nothing happened when I restarted Actinic - i.e. it didn't say upgrading PSP files as it should do.

    Uploaded to site and got this error again when using protx:
    This transaction attempt has failed. We are unable to redirect you back to the web store from which you were purchasing. The details of the failure are given below.

    Status: MALFORMED

    Status Detail: 3090 : The BillingPostCode is required.

    This is driving me round the bend!! I have been through the guide everytime and tried the updates but I get the same problem. I am going to paste the files below, can anyone spot any errors
    Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA



    Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA


      #	- code part of OCC script
      # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd 2001 All rights reserved
      # *** Do not change this code unless you know what you are doing ***
      # Written by George Menyhert
      # Adapted for PROTX VPS Version 2.2 by Mat Peck - 27/05/2002
      # Includes simple XOR encryption and Base64 encode functions
      # This script is called by an eval() function and it will already
      # have the following variables set up:
      #	Expects:		$::sOrderNumber		- the alphanumeric order number for this order
      #				$::nOrderTotal		- the total for this order (stored in based currency format e.g. 1000 = $10.00)
      #				%::PriceFormatBlob   	- the price format data
      #				%::InvoiceContact	- the customer invoice contact information
      #				%::OCCShipData		- the customer delivery contact information
      #				$::sCallBackURLAuth	- the URL of the authorization callback script
      #				$::sCallBackURLBack	- the URL of the backup script
      #				$::sCallBackURLUser	- the URL of the receipt script
      #				$::sPath					- the path to the Catalog directory
      #				$::sWebSiteUrl			- the Catalog web site URL
      #				$::sContentUrl			- the content URL
      #	Affects:		$::eStatus     		- the status of the transaction:
      #				$::FAILURE 	- Failure
      #				$::ACCEPTED - Accepted
      #				$::REJECTED - Rejected
      #				$::PENDING  - Pending
      #				$::sErrorMessage		- error message if any
      #				$::sHTML					- the HTML to display
      #  $Revision: 4 $
      use strict;
      $::eStatus = $::PENDING;								# The OCC plug-in runs in pending mode.  This script does not
      											# perform the transaction.  Rather, it forwards the customer to
      											# the OCC site for completion.
      my (%VarTable);
      # PROTX VPS Specific constants here
      my $sPassword = 'mypassword';
      my $sConfirmationEMail = '';
      my $sPROTXURL = '';
      if ($bTestMode) {
      #  $sPROTXURL = "http://localhost/";
         $sPROTXURL = "";
      } else {
      #  $sPROTXURL = "http://localhost/";
         $sPROTXURL = "";
      ## Shared Script, different HTML templates;
      $VarTable{$::VARPREFIX . 'OCC_URL'} =				# insert the OCC web site URL into the HTML template
      # only the Vendor name, Protocol ID and Transaction type are plain text for VPS
      # all other values are passed in the encrypted CRYPT field
      # First add the plain text values
      my $sHiddenValues;
      my $sCrypt;
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"VPSProtocol\" VALUE=\"2.22\">\n";
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"TxType\" VALUE=\"AUTHENTICATE\">\n";
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"Vendor\" VALUE=\"$sMerchantID\">\n";
      # build up a string of all other values to encrypt and place in the crypt field
      # VendorTxCode needs a random element to ensure this code has not been used before
      $sCrypt .= "VendorTxCode=". $::sOrderNumber . "-" . int(rand(100000)) . "&";
      # VPS requires decimal places in the amount (not lowest digits, so work them out).
      my $nNumDigits = $::PriceFormatBlob{"ICURRDIGITS"};	# read the currency format values
      my ($nAmount, $nFactor, $sAmount);
      if(defined $nNumDigits)	{$nFactor = (10 ** $nNumDigits);} else {$nFactor = 100;}
      $sAmount = sprintf("%d.%02d", $::nOrderTotal / $nFactor, $::nOrderTotal % $nFactor);
      $sCrypt .= "Amount=". $sAmount . "&";
      $sCrypt .= "Currency=". $::PriceFormatBlob{SINTLSYMBOLS} . "&";
      $sCrypt .= "Description=Items from ". $sMerchantID . "&";
      # URLs:
      #		Strip them out and URL encode them for inclusion in the completion URL.
      #		AUTH - the URL to create the authorization blob
      #		BACK - the URL to return to the Catalog checkout process
      #		USER - the URL to the receipt script
      $sCrypt .= "SuccessURL=".$sPROTXURL."vps2Form/ActSuccess.asp?ActVendor=" .$sMerchantID. "&ActAmount=" . $::nOrderTotal . "&AuthURL=" . Base64Encode($::sCallBackURLAuth);
      $sCrypt .= "&InvoiceURL=" . Base64Encode($::sCallBackURLUser) . "&";
      $sCrypt .= "FailureURL=".$sPROTXURL."vps2Form/ActFail.asp?ActVendor=" .$sMerchantID. "&RedirectURL=" . Base64Encode($::sCallBackURLBack) . "&";
      # add the invoice address and customer name
      $sCrypt .= "CustomerName=" . $::InvoiceContact{NAME} . "&";
      $sCrypt .= "BillingAddress=" . $::InvoiceContact{NAME} . "\n";
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{JOBTITLE})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{JOBTITLE} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{COMPANY})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{COMPANY} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS1})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS1} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS2})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS2} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS3})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS3} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS4})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS4} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{COUNTRY})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{COUNTRY} . "\n"; }
      # add the invoice post code 
      $sCrypt .= "&BillingPostCode=" . substr($::InvoiceContact{POSTALCODE}, 0, 10);
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{PHONE})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= "&ContactNumber=" . $::InvoiceContact{PHONE}; }
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{FAX})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= "&ContactFax="  . $::InvoiceContact{FAX}; }
      # add the delivery address 
      $sCrypt .= "&DeliveryAddress=" . $::OCCShipData{NAME} . "\n";
      if (length($::OCCShipData{JOBTITLE})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{JOBTITLE} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::OCCShipData{COMPANY})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{COMPANY} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::OCCShipData{ADDRESS1})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{ADDRESS1} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::OCCShipData{ADDRESS2})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{ADDRESS2} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::OCCShipData{ADDRESS3})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{ADDRESS3} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::OCCShipData{ADDRESS4})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{ADDRESS4} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::OCCShipData{COUNTRY})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{COUNTRY} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::OCCShipData{PHONE})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= "Tel: " . $::OCCShipData{PHONE} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::OCCShipData{FAX})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= "Fax: " . $::OCCShipData{FAX} . "\n"; }
      if (length($::OCCShipData{POSTALCODE})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= "&DeliveryPostCode=" . substr($::OCCShipData{POSTALCODE}, 0, 10); }
      # Add confirmation email addresses if present.
      if (length($::InvoiceContact{EMAIL})!=0)  { $sCrypt .= "&CustomerEMail=" . $::InvoiceContact{EMAIL}; }
      if (length($sConfirmationEMail)!=0)  { $sCrypt .= "&VendorEMail=" . $sConfirmationEMail; }
      # Add new 2.22 fields as well
      $sCrypt .= "&eMailMessage=You can put your own message in here";
      $sCrypt .= "&AllowGiftAid=0";
      $sCrypt .= "&ApplyAVSCV2=0";
      $sCrypt .= "&Apply3DSecure=0";
      # add the crypt field to the POST 
      $sCrypt = Base64Encode(SimpleXOR($sCrypt,$sPassword));
      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"Crypt\" VALUE=\"$sCrypt\">\n";
      # Original OCC Script routines continue...
      $VarTable{$::VARPREFIX . 'OCC_VALUES'} =			# add the OCC values to the template
      my $sLinkHTML = 'occlink.html';
      if(defined $::g_pPaymentList)
      	$sLinkHTML = $$::g_pPaymentList{ActinicOrder::PaymentStringToEnum($::g_PaymentInfo{'METHOD'})}{BOUNCE_HTML};
      @Response = ACTINIC::TemplateFile($::sPath . $sLinkHTML, \%VarTable); # build the file
      if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
      	$::eStatus = $::FAILURE;							# return a plug-in error
      	$::sErrorMessage = $Response[1];
      	return ($::SUCCESS);									# always return success if the script runs
      @Response = ACTINIC::MakeLinksAbsolute($Response[2], $::sWebSiteUrl, $::sContentUrl);
      if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
      	$::eStatus = $::FAILURE;							# return a plug-in error
      	$::sErrorMessage = $Response[1];
      	return ($::SUCCESS);									# always return success if the script runs
      $::sHTML = $Response[2];								# grab the resulting HTML
      # process the test mode warning
      my ($sDelimiter) = $::DELPREFIX . 'TESTMODE';
      if ($bTestMode)											# only include the test mode block if we are in test mode
      	$::sHTML =~ s/$sDelimiter//g;						# remove the delimiter text
      else															# not in test mode - remove the block
      	$::sHTML =~ s/$sDelimiter(.*?)$sDelimiter//gs;	# remove the test mode warning blob (/s removes the \n limitation of .)
      return ($::SUCCESS);
      # End of Original
      # Base64 encoding
      sub Base64Encode ($;$)
          my $res = "";
          my $eol = $_[1];
          $eol = "\n" unless defined $eol;
          pos($_[0]) = 0;                          # ensure start at the beginning
          $res = join '', map( pack('u',$_)=~ /^.(\S*)/, ($_[0]=~/(.{1,45})/gs));
          $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;               # `# help emacs
          # fix padding at the end
          my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3;
          $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding;
          return $res;
      Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA


        # Base64 decoding
        sub Base64Decode ($)
            local($^W) = 0; 
            my $str = shift;
            $str =~ tr|A-Za-z0-9+=/||cd;            # remove non-base64 chars
            if (length($str) % 4) {
        	require Carp;
        	Carp::carp("Length of base64 data not a multiple of 4")
            $str =~ s/=+$//;                        # remove padding
            $str =~ tr|A-Za-z0-9+/| -_|;            # convert to uuencoded format
            return join'', map( unpack("u", chr(32 + length($_)*3/4) . $_),
        	                $str =~ /(.{1,60})/gs);
        # SimpleXor password encryption
        sub SimpleXOR ($;$)
          my $plain = $_[0];
          my $password = $_[1];
          my $passstring = $_[1];
          my $res = "";
          while (length($passstring) <= length($plain)) { $passstring .= $password; }
          $passstring = substr($passstring,0,length($plain));
          $res = $plain ^ $passstring;
          return $res;
        Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA


          Hi there,

          Can you please try the following?

          Browse to C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC

          Highlight and copy:


          Paste these files to:

          C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\[SiteDir]\CommonOCC\

          and overwrite the existing files.

          Open with notepad and ensure your details are correct (you can search for "password").

          Save the file and open Actinic. Go to Web | refresh website.

          Please a test order.

          Any joy?

          Toby Blanchard

