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Catalog performance limitations? (large catalog)

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    Catalog performance limitations? (large catalog)

    I seem to remember that Catalog was always advertised as being capable of managing "10,000 products". I'm currently developing a store which has a little over 3000 products, *but*, they each have a rather complicated component pricing model attached and I'm becoming concerned that Catalog might choke on it.

    Every product uses the same component for pricing purposes, consisting of three attributes. The attribute choices, combined, amount to 770 possible permutations per product, although only 124 of these permutations are valid (and I've removed all invalid permutations from the list). That's 2,410,870 permutations - but only 388,244 are valid permutations - per product on 3131 products.

    So... Should Catalog be able to run with this sort of a load on a "typical" desktop PC? So far I've imported all the products, added the component model to 60 products for development purposes and Catalog now seems to take an awfully long time to start up on my Athlon XP2600+ box, although XP is only reporting it as using 19Mb. Also, the process of pasting the component model into new products seemed to be slowing down to around a couple of seconds by the time I'd done fifty or so of them.

    If this is a definite no-no, is there any way to "reference" a component pricing model from one product into all the others, rather than duplicating it?

    Just noticed - this might be the problem - my ActinicCatalog.mdb for this site is currently a whopping 811Mb. I don't have MSOffice, and have never used Access or looked at the tables generated by Actinic, but surely this can't be right?


      Try Housekeeping / Compact Databases and see if that helps. I've seen this database gut unrealistically large after a long sequence of heirarchical imports.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks for your reply. I think it's the copying/pasting of components that is to blame (I discovered last night that you've previously warned against the evils of this). I managed to recover from the 811Mb bloat by moving my installation to a different partition, but it's done it again, the new one is 2Gb, and now Catalog doesn't want to start. "Invalid Argument" apparently.


          Yes. I'm very wary of trying to copy choices about by drag/drop or cut/paste. I've seen very wierd results where attributes and choices get mixed up.

          Perhaps someone from Actinic could comment.

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

