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Problem with navigation button

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    Problem with navigation button

    On my homepage a funny thing happens when you roll the mouse over the "Enter Shop" navigation button. It doesn't appear to recognise the highlighted button. However on the other brochure pages there is no problem at all.

    Probably a very simple solution but I don't know where to look!


    Hi, u can go to Design->Option->Brochure, under highlight, see if you have the correct file name. If not, just click browse and choose the correct one.
    <a href = "">
    The Online Fabric Store


      Thanks for that. I have already checked that and it seems ok.

      The thing I don't understand is that it only occurs on my "home" brochure page whereas all the other brochure pages are fine and the highlighted image appears no problem.


        Hi Peter

        What's the URL of your site?

        It may be that you have two sets of home icons. On the brochure pages, the home button images are referenced in the Home brochure page details. Whereas the home button in the store navbar has the images referenced in Design Options | Navigation.

        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software



          Thanks Ben


            Sorry, I didn't understand correctly in my previous message. I've taken a look at the site and can see what you mean. It looks as though the rollover image has been hardcoded with a relative link. The home page is the only page external to the /acatalog/ directory and on this page the rollover image is being referenced in the webroot and not in the /acatalog/ directory as on the other pages.
            Ben Popplestone
            Ecommerce website software


              Excuse me being dumb but what would be the solution?



                If you have hardcoded the html for the rollover button, change catalogred.gif to acatalog/catalogred.gif. If you are not aware of any customisation of the templates, register a support query here because someone will need to take a look at your snapshot.
                Ben Popplestone
                Ecommerce website software

