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Nor Menu

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    Nor Menu

    I get a delay whilst the menu builds on each page, be good to see if that load time could be reduced,.

    I'm not using hi res background graphics, but they are necessary else the menu looks out of place.

    Is there not a way of caching the graphics used at all?

    Any ideas Norman?

    It's an Internet Explorer bug. The background graphics (presuming you use the same image repeatedly) should be coming from the cache but are fetched from the server every time (and that's for all cells - not just the visible ones). I've a feeling that this also applies to the little triangular images but usually there aren't too many of these.

    Look at your server logs and see.

    Now try the same exercise using Netscape and you'll find the correct minimal number of image loads.

    There's nothing you can do about this (unless your name ends in Gates - and he's got enough on his plate due to infecting the world with worms due to sloppy security) other than to substitue a colour (which is just a bit of text) rather than the image.

    All the source code is there (nortree_menu_com.js is where to look) so if there are any DHTML gurus out there they're welcome to tinker. A possible line of approach would be to hard code the image in there somewhere.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

