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Changing Image References

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    Changing Image References

    I have thousands of images in our actinic catalogue which are uploaded from location i:\web pics. Because of a server change, they need to be moved to another drive, which is drive m.

    I changed all the image references within the actinic access database, and it seemed to work ok within Actinic. However, when I attempted an upload I got a message saying

    "Some filenames conflict. All files being sent to the web site must have unique names. Please check the list of files in Advanced | Additional Files.

    Some of the following files must be renamed before an upload can occur. Once the files are renamed, reselect them in the Actinic Ecommerce."

    Underneath it listed every single new image reference with the old one underneath that.

    I thought it would just upload the images from the new location and overwrite them automatically.

    How can I do this?

    Sounds like your database update did not go/complete correctly. Are thumbnails or zooms involved at all and have you checked within actinic itself that the file reference is as you want it? Whats listed in additional files too - all the old files?


      Thanks, I've actually solved it now. I've replicated some products using Mole End Product Replication, and I completely forgot that it would still contain old data until I manually refreshed it. So I refreshed the data, and now it uses the new product references instead of trying to upload the old ones.

