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Invoice - product substitution and partial refund???

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    Invoice - product substitution and partial refund???

    Hi all

    Can anyone help me with this?

    - A customer has ordered 2 x product A at a cost of £25 each = £50

    - We only have 1 of product A in stock, but have a very similar product B in stock that (after checking with the customer) can be substituted.

    - Product B is £22, so there is a difference of £3 that needs refunding.

    1) How do i reduce the qty of Product A
    2) How do i add Product B to the order/invoice
    3) How do i show a refund amount on the invoice for the difference £3
    4) I have also agreed to refund the shipping cost £4 as a good will gesture - how do i show this on the invoice?

    I know how to make an adjustment, but not how to add a product to an order that was not originally ordered.

    Can this be done in Actinic catalog?

    T.I.A for all advice and suggestions.


    Well i have fiddled around with various adjustments and all the figures balance.

    But... the packing list only shows the product lines that were originally ordered (qtys have been amended) not the adjustment enteries which include the substituted product info.

    It would be great if one could reduce the qty of one product and add a product (that had not orignally been ordered) from the catalog, then the stock levels would be automatically corrected.

    May be there is a way of doing this - i just don't know what it is

    1) What is the way of substituing a product from the catalog?

    2) If it is not currently possible, is the development team considering it?



      having the same problem
      Honda vfr1200f
      Business Plus V9.0.5
      Windows 7 Home Premium


        Hi Kerri,

        We are uusing Business 6.1.2 and the solution seems quite straight foward:

        [1] Open the order and right click on the white space under 'Line Items'
        [2] Select "Add Adjustment"
        [3] Write 'ORDER AMENDMENT' in "Description" and "To reduce quantiy to x1 for product A".
        [4] In the "Cost" box put the cost of one unit of product A, remembering to give it a minus figure, eg "-25.00".
        [5] Select the Tax element as appropriate
        [6] Select OK.

        Then, follow the exact same format to add the quantiry of one for product B at £22.00. This time, give it a positive cost.

        Next, make a third adjustment and call it "POSTAGE". This time give an explanation that you are refunding the £4.00 as a gesture of goodfaith. Don't forget to refund VAT and give a minus figure as the "cost".

        Actinic will then make the appropriate cost caluculations and adjustments.

        Lastly, select the Process & Payments tab and "View Payments". Use the "New Entry" button and you will see that a minus £7.00 + VAT will be added to the list of transactions. In the comments box, we always write how the refund has been transacted. Something like "Worldpay transaction ID 1234567" or "Cheque 0001234 enclosed for £7.95". Select OK, process the order and print invoice.


        Hope that helps.



          Bingo - almost!!!

          Thanks Mark for your excellent step by step solution.

          I did exactly what you said and yes the invoice is marvelous - but the packing list does not include the new substitued product - so the packers need info to be written on the p. list - which just looks messy and when one is processing many orders it can be very time consuming.

          In addition, the stock management system (Actininc stock levels!) do not reflect the reduction in qty of the new substituted product.

          Yes - i know stock takes are supposed to be done monthly, weekly, daily, hourly... but isn't there a way of streamlining this process so we can actually substitute products from our catalog and have them show up on the invoice and packing list complete with correct product references, thus maintaing accurate stock levels on the system?

          Really did appreciate your suggestion, but just wanted to make my point about product substitution/adding to an exisiting order.

          Any other comments?? Actininc Team - your thoughts please???


            Adding actual product(s) to a placed order, as opposed to `Add Adjustment` and manually adjusting the levels in the catalog is something I would very much like to do as well.
            Football Heaven

            For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


              This is something that is planned for the next major release of the software. Due out next year.

