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Brochure index page overwriting acatalog index page - help!!!

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    Brochure index page overwriting acatalog index page - help!!!

    Hi - I have a problem in that the index.html page in the acatalog directory is being overwritten with a copy of the index.html brochure page in the root directory when I upload my site.

    This problem has arisen after I had to refresh the site due to changing the FTP host name in the network settings due to achange made by the ISP.

    Hmmm - do you want the brochure home page to be at the directory level above the rest of the store pages. If so, then go to your brochure home page icon and double-click on it. Then, tick where is says 'Use as web site home page'.

    Alternatively, you could change the filename of the store index page in 'Design | Options | Defaults' - 'Base Page Name' field.


      Hi Chris - the brochure index page is at the root level with the shop front index page within the acatalog directory.

      'Use as web site home page' is already selected on the page properties for the brochure index page.

      The problem is that the index page in the acatalog directory is an copy of the index page in the root directory. It should be a different page containing the links to the shop sections.

      This has worked fine for about a year but now something is not right - either I've done something stupid or something is corrupted.


        Check one thing for me - have you got a file called 'index.html' within your 'Site1' folder? If you have - delete it. HTML files in the 'Site1' folder sometimes get automatically passed up to the 'acatalog' folder online.

        The other thing to do is delete the 'index.html' file in the 'acatalog' folder online, and then make a really minor change to the 'Act_CatalogBody.html' template (like adding a hard return to the bottom). Then update your site. This should just upload the store front page.


          Thanks Chris - that seems to have sorted it.

