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An errant <hr> tag in Act_Order02.html!

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    An errant <hr> tag in Act_Order02.html!


    I'm currently editing the appearance of the Act_Order02.html template, but there is an errant <hr> tag somewhere in the code which I can't track down.

    It is inserted between "There are no addresses in your address book.
    Check here to add new address to your address book" and the table where you enter a new delivery address.

    I've looked through all the places I could find (other templates, the HTML section and all through the "text" section, but I can't find where this code is hiding - please can someone help me root it out?


    I've found the <HR> tag in the file; however, I'm unsure how to replace it with a different tag (as it's listed as ->HR() and not -><HR>() ).

    Ideally, I'd like to replace the <HR> with an <IMG> tag, together with a class, like so:
    <img class="thindiv" src="thindivider.gif" /> followed by a <br /> tag, but if that's not possible, then I'd like to replace it with two line breaks (in order to get some space between the address book warning and the delivery address entry form).

    Can anyone shed some light on this please?



      Apologies for this not having a response for this length of time. Have you tried replacing the HR with an image tag or with <BR> as yet? I would suggest making a backup of the file before doing it. If you run into any problems please do let us know and I will run it past development for you.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Hi Bruce,

        Thanks for the reply.

        I've tried adding the HTML code to the file, but everything I tried generated an error (what error I can't say, as I haven't looked at it for a couple of months) - but it's most likely because I don't know the correct syntax I need to be using.

        To be honest, it's not high on my list of problems; this post is the one that's causing the most grief at the moment.

        That said, all help is gratefully received.

