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Loadfunction, Unload

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    Loadfunction, Unload

    I have been using Actinic for few weeks now, but it seems like more I learn about the program more thing go wrong for me

    I would really appreciate if someone could help me.

    I have change Act_Primary.html but when I try to preview them I get a warning the about LOADFUNCTION, UNLOAD. What can I do to get rid of this warning?

    Also When I update my site everything seems to work on the main page and product page but when it goes on the view cart, search or check out I am missing all the logo's (.jpg) Why is this happening?

    Where can I fine the meanings for all the NETQUOTEVAR?

    Could someone please help me with this?


    I would replace the act-Primary with the original one, it seems that you have made a change which has caused this problem

    then check to see if thesite works....

    then post the change you tried to make to this forum

    I think all the netquotevars are documented in the advanced user guide


      Hi Jo,

      Thanks for your continuous help I really appreciate it.

      I don't get any warning and everything seems to work fine when I stick with the original layouts. But when I change it to my layout it starts giving me warning like LOADFUNCTION, UNLOAD in Act_Primary.html maybe corrupted. What are LOADFUNCTION, UNLOAD anyway??? I could not find anything about this in the user guides and helps

      With my layout everything works fine just in the checkout ,view cart, search and login I am missing all the pictures.

      Thanks again


        Place the following line into Act_Primary.html within the <HEAD> section.


        This will get rid of the error about the missing variable. This variable is used on framed themes to load the frame set if it is missing.

        Also, within your <body> tag, type NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD. This variable is used to call the frame loading script.

        To fix the missing images, make sure that the line


        is in your <HEAD> section of Act_Primary.html - near the top.


          Thanks Chris for your help
          I tired your suggestion and It got rid of my warnings about load loadfuction and my images show.
          However this has cause other problems for me. now my NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE shows off outside the cell. how do I fix this?
          Also for some reason my cart content dose not updates when I add to cart.

          I almost forgot when I add unload it make my site have margins on the top and left side...

          Thanks again for your help



            Could you post a new thread for these questions with more details about each problem and a URL for us to look at. I'm afraid that from what you have written, I cannot make any suggestions.

