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issues with IE 5 and Actinic v6

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    issues with IE 5 and Actinic v6


    Does anyone know if there are any known problems with Internet Exporer 5.01 and Actinic 6??

    I've developed a site for a client - - which has had a few problems along the way but which has been live and transactional for a couple of weeks now.

    My client is worried though that according to their webstats, 15% of visitors are leaving the site after encountering a 404 error page. I've looked at the error logs and all the visitors that have been seeing error pages are using IE version 5.01

    Also, the client says that customers have complained about the site being slow - I've looked at the various threads in the forum about this and generally the idea seems to be that hosting with a linux/unix ISP is the best solution.... the presentsbypost site is hosted with on a linux server, and I must admit I've never had a problem with the site being slow on any of the connections/machines that I have available to me.

    Any ideas would be greatfully received....


    Hi Amo

    I ran into the same problems when viewing the site with IE 5.00, 5.5 and 6.02. There seems to be intermittent script processing problems in the checkout where clicking 'Checkout' or 'Next' does not load the subsequent page. To be honest, I'm not sure what is causing this, but I would recommend finding out from the web host what is the memory allocated to running scripts.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      Thanks Ben,

      How much memory should be allocated - from experience..? I'll try and find out from Simply, but they haven't got back to me about my last two queries yet...

      Also, the intermittent script processing problems in the checkout, is that due to the amount of memory or is that an issue with Actinic v6.1.3?



        Some of our sites are suffering this. Sometimes images appear sometime they dont, sometimes pages appear, sometimes they dont.
        Owner of a broken heart


          Further information on the memory required can be seen here.
          Ben Popplestone
          Ecommerce website software

