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Incompatible Server Scripts

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    Incompatible Server Scripts

    Hi all,

    I'm have a frustrating problem. I can't download any order from our site. Everytime I try to do this I get a message that the scripts are incompatible. I've tried wiping the server and re-uploading everything from scratch, but as soon as I download, I get the same error again. I really need to resolve this yesterday. I've attached a screen shot of the error message. If anyone can help, I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance.
    Attached Files

    Hi Steven

    Try the following please:

    1. Manually ftp to your website
    2. Deleted all the .pl and .pm within your /cgi-bin/ folder
    3. Within you local pc, please go to C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1 or whatever your sitename is called
    4. Delete all the .pl and .pm files here as well
    5. Go to the folder C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Original and copy and paste the .pl and .pm back into your site1 folder

    Once you have done this, just refresh your website, and the error should disappear

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Did this work?

      I would like to know if this resolved the problem. I get this error everytime I upgrade (and I started out with the 6.0 beta). All my upgrades take a good 9 hours, which isn't good for business! If this approach works, I'm going to save these instructions for the next upgrade!




        The above should work fine - I've done it many times myself. The fact you are getting this error would explain why your customers are still having the problems linking from Google - Actinic still has the old faulty scripts on the site rather than the nice new 6.1.3 ones.

