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displaying similar products

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    displaying similar products


    This is what i have: a shop selling clothes. Now, ive setup a customvar called TYPE so that I can discribe the item, eg TYPE=tshirt.

    On this basis, I thought that when a product was displayed, at the foot of the page a 'result-type' list could show similar products based on the customvar TYPE.

    Ive thought about a hidden search form in Act_Productbody.html and paste in part of Act_ResultsTemplate.html into Act_Productline.html.

    Im hoping that someone more clever has a better idea.

    All the best


    i tried to slip a hidden search in Act_sectionline.html and paste parts of Act_resultstemplate into act_productline - but halfway through i realised that wouldnt work.

    this might be a better explanation of what i want to do:

    what im trying to do (act bus v6.12) is create a set of thumbnails to appear at the bottom of the 'act_productline.html' that show similar items to the ones on that page via a CUSTOMVAR:TYPE. The senerio is a clothes shop with one product on each subsection (in accordance with adv user guide 'show as thumbnails') - so if its a tshirt, i want other tshirts (with TYPE=tshirt) thumbnailed underneath as 'alternatives' or 'similar items'.




      I don't think this can be done in any automatic way except through duplicating (and renaming) the search Perl scripts and heavily customising these new versions to be called from a product line (via server side includes - assuming your server allows these) and thus return all those other products matching the type Customvar. That's a huge and risky job.

      Alternatively the best you couold easily manage is to hard code a few "Similar Product" images and links into your product descriptions. That's trivial to do but a nightmare to maintain as new product come in and old one discontinue.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        thanks for your 'perl's of wisdom, norman (pun intended)

        if you're saying its a 'huge' job - im not going to attempt it - but if you ever patch similar (again, pun intended) - i'll be first to buy a copy!

        im going to try and hide a search based on the same customvar:TYPE on a button named 'show similar' to create a search result in a frame below the product.... maybe....



        all the best


