Hello Folks,
I'm back! Did you miss me?
My web activities have been on hold for a quite a while due to bereavement, but I'm now back in action and working hard.
I am carrying out a complete re-design of my site, and all is going well. (So far!) The only issue that is problematic is that for some reason, additional graphics that I place into the site1 directory are not getting generated into the preview or Site HTML folders. I can place them there manually and all then works as it should, but it's not an ideal solution.
I've added the files via Advanced/Additional Files.. tabs, but the problem remains.
A quick search of the forum suggests that it may be an issue with IE7, (which I'm using) and the fix is in patch 7.07.
I'm currently running v704 FEVA UKpatch on Windows XP Pro 2.
However, the 7.07 patch seems to refer to Visa, so am not too sure if I should install this?
Secondly, if it is necessary to install this patch, can I go from 7.04 to 7.07 or would I first have to upgrade to 7.05 then 7.06.?
Hope someone can advise...
Many thanks,
I'm back! Did you miss me?
My web activities have been on hold for a quite a while due to bereavement, but I'm now back in action and working hard.
I am carrying out a complete re-design of my site, and all is going well. (So far!) The only issue that is problematic is that for some reason, additional graphics that I place into the site1 directory are not getting generated into the preview or Site HTML folders. I can place them there manually and all then works as it should, but it's not an ideal solution.
I've added the files via Advanced/Additional Files.. tabs, but the problem remains.
A quick search of the forum suggests that it may be an issue with IE7, (which I'm using) and the fix is in patch 7.07.
I'm currently running v704 FEVA UKpatch on Windows XP Pro 2.
However, the 7.07 patch seems to refer to Visa, so am not too sure if I should install this?
Secondly, if it is necessary to install this patch, can I go from 7.04 to 7.07 or would I first have to upgrade to 7.05 then 7.06.?
Hope someone can advise...
Many thanks,