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    Hi there
    How do you turn on the CVV2 option???

    We have a site using Actinic and cant get this option turned on...its on in the credit card section as CVV2 CVV2 numbers 3 so that it should pick them up...but when you go to the web shopping section its not shown with a check box in so the option is not on.

    Can this option only be used if using the inbuilt encryption or can it be used using the standard ssl section.

    Any help please.....

    Many thanks

    You need to ensure that each card you want to gain the CVV2 info for is checked within the configure method for that card and then update your site.

    I assume you are using an SSL certificate within your own site and then manually process card details in a pdq machine or something similar online.

    If not and it is an online Payment Processor like Protx, Secpay or WorldPay then it is down to there end to ensure that this information is requested within the payment pages.

