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Paypal support

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    Paypal support

    Actinic users may be aware that Sure Solutions Inc, Actinic’s distributor in the US, has developed an integration between Paypal payment processing and Actinic.

    Actinic is pleased to announce that it has negotiated the purchase of this integration. As part of the agreement, Actinic will not make the facility available in the US until version 7. US users should continue to contact Sure Solutions for details of how to obtain Paypal for the US market.

    UK users will have access to the Paypal integration as standard from version 6.0.3 of Actinic, expected in February 2003.

    Chris Barling



      How about Nochex - it doesn't work too differently, and there are quite a few UK customers.


        We've got no current plans for Nochex. I would be grateful for comments on whether this is needed, and why.

        Please bear with me in reminding you that if a certain development gets done, it always means that other things don't. So the issue is not just whether Nochex is wanted (it's certainly been requested a few times), but relatively how important it is.



          To the best of my knowledge, NoCHEX has a ceiling of £100 ish or £95 per tranaction.

          S it has limited use....


            Nochex has a limit of £90 for money held in your Nochex account. This is forced on them by a stupid, unncessary EU law! You can however make a transaction of up to £300 via Nochex - they debit your registered bank account.
            Integrating Nochex looks quite easy - see
            We get several transactions a week, but we have not integrated the payment system, we simply request payment once we have the order, which is not satisfactory.


              New 6.02 Install w/ PayPal Module -- Class ID PROBLEM

              After running the executable and starting Actinic, the Payment Service Providers were updated and PayPal indeed appears on the list, HOWEVER, when attempting to Configure Method... we receive the following error:

              Payment service provider, PayPal, failed to register properly - class ID({4005E75-43EE-11D2-9520-080000511272}).

              Also, the Information and Registration button brings up an invalid web page.

              Though there was no mention of applying the Patch in Administrator mode, I reran the patch under Admin rights -- the results were the same.

              I am a little disheartened that we had to pay $150 for the script, now that it will soon be included in upcoming releases beginning next month ... however at the moment, our PRIMARY concern is to simply get it working.

              This is a NEW install of 6.02 with the - ZIP archive, unpacked size 156,173 bytes extracted and executed.

              I left a message for Sure Solutions support, and my sales rep, David Eldridge has also forwarded the request. If anyone can offer any suggestions, I'd be grateful!

              Many Thanks!




                I am sorry we have had very heavy support volumes over the last week. We have a support ticket open on your issue and we are trying to understand the nature of the problem.

                We tested the install ona sytemand it worked here so Support will need to download a snapshot of your sit to review the paypal install and send you the required fix.

                Please continue to use the Sure Solutions support for your issue.

                FYI, The Paypal interface will not be available for free in the US. IT will only be included in the UK build of the software. Sure Solutions will continue to sell and support the paypal intterface for the US build of the Actinic Products.

                Brian Johnson
                :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
                1-732-528-7635 x203


                  Thank You Brian ...

                  Please tell me where to send the snapshot of the site ... You're the first person I've heard back from, with the exception of David!

                  Many Thanks!


