I have two problems
1. I have recently noticed that my bounce back and continue shopping were returning to a page I didnt want it to. Could be due to upgrade.
I have changed the code in ACTINIC.pm to redirect bounce back to the correct page......cool
I have also tried the same thing in cartmanager for the "continue shopping" redirect
my $sURL = "http://www.bizaar.co.uk/acatalog/shop_online.html";
but on testing the script adds a / at the end and my redirect fails.
2. I have set up "other info" to allow customers to add a gift tag message on every product page.
This works fine but when I "view cart" ca000001.pl the gift message does not appear. It's confusing my customers.
1. I have recently noticed that my bounce back and continue shopping were returning to a page I didnt want it to. Could be due to upgrade.
I have changed the code in ACTINIC.pm to redirect bounce back to the correct page......cool
I have also tried the same thing in cartmanager for the "continue shopping" redirect
my $sURL = "http://www.bizaar.co.uk/acatalog/shop_online.html";
but on testing the script adds a / at the end and my redirect fails.
2. I have set up "other info" to allow customers to add a gift tag message on every product page.
This works fine but when I "view cart" ca000001.pl the gift message does not appear. It's confusing my customers.