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Error 403 Page from behind firewall

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    Error 403 Page from behind firewall

    Have had several customers saying that after clicking the continue shopping button from the shopping basket page, they are being displayed an error 403 page with the following:


    You don't have permission to access /donkeyworld/acatalog/ on this server.

    Apache/1.3.9 Server at Port 80

    Have checked the folder permissions, donkeyworld/acatalog = 777 and cgi-bin = 755 which I belive is correct.

    When the continue shopping button is pressed it calls from the cgi-bin.

    I have tried this action and I also get the same error. Our internet connection is behind a firewall and I assume that our customers are also. Trying it from a stand alone dialup, I don't get any errors and it works perfectly.

    Is this a bug in V6? or is there a work around to allow it to work from behind a firewall?

    Suggestions would be appreciated...Andy.

    Hi Andy

    What firewall are you using? If it is Norton, can you untick the 'Enable Browser Privacy' checkbox and try again. This is a setting that strips out referrer information and without this information, Actinic is designed to return the shopper to the acatalog URL.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      Ben nice to hear from you again.

      Thanks for your reply. F.Y.I. we use a Watchguard Firebox III 700 so the fix with the privacy option wouldn't work with it.

      I had a look around the forum and made some adjustments of my own from tips there.

      Upgraded to V6.1.3 and then uploaded to my sites. This unfortunately didnot fix the problem.

      I then saw a post about renameing the actinic default page to index, if you had called it something else (which I had).

      I renamed my default pages index.html and uploaded, and hey presto! I now get returned to my default page.

      I know this isn't exactely how it is supposed to work, it should go back to the page you have just come from, but it now works.

      At least I won't have any more customer emails asking if they have done something wrong!

      I there a fix for this problem in V7??



        Glad you got it working, Andy.

        Actually, the fix is due for v6.1.4, but there is no release date yet.
        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software

