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Creating Links to 'Previous' and 'Next' Sections

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    Creating Links to 'Previous' and 'Next' Sections

    Hi, I will like have the NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_NAME and NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_NAME to become be "back" and "next". I tried to replace them directly with back and next. But it return error when click back at the very first page and when click next at the last page of the section.
    I pasted this on Act_productbody, some time the link will appear on top, but in product page, it appear on the bottom.
    Any one know why is this so?
    Thank is advance.
    <a href = "">
    The Online Fabric Store


    Can you post a URL so we can see the error and wrong positioning.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      This page is the first page of the section. By right it should not have the "back" once i replace "NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_NAME" with back.
      The next is no problem.
      This page should not have any next and back.
      Once it go to product page, the back, next is at the bottom.

      I pasted my code on Act_productbody. Need assitance. Thank.
      <a href = "">
      The Online Fabric Store


        Previoes and Next section

        Hi there,

        Looking at your threads you have posted, it seems to me there appears to be problem in the coding or on the placement of the code where inserted.

        I have embedded the code, as indicated from the Advanced User Guide, which results browsing through the 'previous' and 'next' section as designed.

        I guess the problem is when embedding the code in the Act_Primary.html gets a little tricky.

        My suggestion will be if you embed the following code in the Act_ProductBody.html (Advanced | Template Manager | Sections tab and by clicking on the ‘Body’ button if in the graphical view please click on the change view button.)

        <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><a href="NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_URL">NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_NAME</a></td> <td align="right"><a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_URL">NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_NAME</a></td></tr>

        After the line <div align="right"><a name="sectiontop">.

        Save the file and then preview the site to see the outcomes. However, please note that the back button should not appear at the very first section you go into, but should appear from sections below the first.

        Hope this helps.
        Thank You
        Menar Khan


          Hi, I have no problem if the link is stick with the products or section. Problems started when i want to change the products or sections name to "Back" and "Next"
          <a href = "">
          The Online Fabric Store


            look at

            you mean like that?


              Chankging section link text

              Hi there,

              Problems started when i want to change the products or sections name to "Back" and "Next"
              I have been successful in changing the links to browse 'back' and 'next' between section(s) by changing the following areas in red;

              <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><a href="NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_URL">NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_NAME </a></td> <td align="right"><ahref="NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_URL">NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_NAME </a></td></tr>

              Changing NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_NAME to be 'Back' and NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_NAME to be 'Next'.

              Hope this gives you a better understanding in what you are trying to achieve.
              Thank You
              Menar Khan


                Hi, I am aware that the text in red can be change, but the problem is the "back" will still be there on the first page of the section, and "next" on the last page. Have u notice that?
                <a href = "">
                The Online Fabric Store


                  Hi there,

                  There seems to be a problem on your site and your coding, as I have not noticed the problem you have described. I am using the same code from the Advanced User Guide with the first section only displaying the 'Next' link and the last section only displaying the 'Back' link.

                  My only suggestion will be to replace the template you have embedded the code in and then try again by inserting the code in the template Act_ProductBody (Advanced | Template Manager | Sections tab and by clicking on the ‘Body’ button if in the graphical view please click on the change view button)
                  Thank You
                  Menar Khan


                    Hi there,

                    I can see the problem that you are encountering, I believe I have a solution to remedy your problem.

                    What you will need to do is create three different 'Primary templates'. In the very first section, in the overall template or Act_Primary.html, embed the following code;

                    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><td align="right"><ahref="NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_URL"> NEXT </a></td></tr>

                    The for all the section in between the first and the last section use the code use another Act_Primary.html,

                    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><a href="NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_URL">BACK </a></td> <td align="right"><ahref="NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_URL">NEXT </a></td></tr>

                    and finally for the very last section use another Act_Primary.html and insert the following,

                    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><a href="NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_URL">BACK</a></td>

                    I hope this helps.
                    Thank You
                    Menar Khan

