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CGI Error - please can you help?

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    CGI Error - please can you help?

    Hi there

    I seem to be getting a CGI error on my site occasionally and I don't understand what's causing it, or why it doesn't happen every time. It's probably affecting almost 40% of baskets and is definitely damaging sales.

    The error message is:

    CGI Error
    The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

    and it's occuring on this page:

    I recently had lots of problems when my hosts changed server, but thought this had all been sorted out.

    Any help or advice anyone can give would be hugely appreciated.

    Many thanks

    i'm guessing this is fasthosts..not wanting to get taken to court but a while back this was quite common. is it on windows?
    Hanson Web Design
    Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design


      I would do a refresh to make sure your host has not deleted anything by mistake - but the site worked ok for me


        Old problem coming back to haunt!

        Hi guys,

        Having an issue with
        CGI Error
        The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

        Have read through loads of threads regarding this but still have not found a suitable solution, error is through up on both IE and Firefox. Slightly odd.

        If you order 1 item, it is fine, if you order 2 again fine (most pages have a single order button on the bottom of the page), as soon as you do 3 items it causes this errors.

        I have so far:
        1. Read through the various threads on this problem
        2. Done a complete refresh of the site
        3. Deleted the the FIL and PL files
        4. run out of ideas

        Working up to recently, had a few issues with Worldpay but they seam to have been sorted.

        Currently hosted on Fasthost, Windows server, as I have said it has been working fine until recently, checked the permissions on the server and they are wrong but as I have said working fine until recently.

        Interested in the fact, fine for a couple of items but any more an issue.

        Trying to organise server space to upload to which is not Windows to see if it is a server issue (no doubt) compared to Actinic.

        Any suggestions I would be grateful. thanks M


          Originally posted by mash View Post
          Currently hosted on Fasthost, Windows server, as I have said it has been working fine until recently, checked the permissions on the server and they are wrong but as I have said working fine until recently.
          Look no further, you need to change hosts. Grab an urn of tea and search the forum on 'fasthosts', if you don't believe me.


            I know, I know, I have read too much about Fasthost but it was working before and that was not for a month but years!

            It is like going to your car and trying to drive home and the brakes don't work, nothing has changed, work on the way to work, fine since owning it but today you don't have permission to use the brakes!! Fine if you pressed them once but no but 3 times ...

            I hate have an issue which the logic is poor behind it is poor, why does it work on occasions, why has it been working fine until recently etc..

            Thanks anyway


              Originally posted by mash View Post
              I know, I know, I have read too much about Fasthost but it was working before and that was not for a month but years!
              And i presume you load test it at Christmas and other busy periods to make sure you are not making a silly choice to stay put? It's not 1 or 2 stories its umpteen. Learn from others, it doesn't matter if it works sometimes and not others, their cgi timeout is simply not good enough for actinic and they will not change it.

              Originally posted by mash View Post
              It is like going to your car and trying to drive home and the brakes don't work, nothing has changed, work on the way to work, fine since owning it but today you don't have permission to use the brakes!! Fine if you pressed them once but no but 3 times ...
              This is not true, kwik fit have been telling you for years that fasthosts are pants with actinic, you can't expect anything else if you continually ignore all evidence and advice to do the exact opposite to what you are.

              Originally posted by mash View Post
              I hate have an issue which the logic is poor behind it is poor, why does it work on occasions, why has it been working fine until recently etc..
              You need to read more of the threads, they tell you why, its a timeout issue and therefore can be intermittent, especially at busy times or on large orders.


                Unfortunately they are renowned for it.. one minite it works then something changes. they then say should be on linux..
                Hanson Web Design
                Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design


                  if you are going to change host and you need to stay on a windows server, please do not hesitate to contact us.

                  If you want to stay with fasthosts - probably better to go linux


                    OK I will get these brakes of mine fixed by moving where would be the next question?

                    This may equally be stupid but will ask it, how do you load test the site?

                    I did read all the reports, and yes the evidence was there, funny enough it has just timed out while trying to upload!

                    Thanks again M


                      Thanks Jo, will review this tomorrow, we don't need to stay on Windows so could go anywhere I guess, but not keen to move to a Linux server with fasthost if it does not to the job.

                      One move is enough, don't want to move and move again!

                      Any thoughts on this load testing?

                      Thanks Mash

