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Auto Redirect to Protx?

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    Auto Redirect to Protx?

    Hi there

    We're just integrating Protx and have typed in Protx ID and Actinic Secret Key as provided. We've gone live and when we come to check out we get

    You will now be automatically transferred to the Protx VSP secure server to process your credit card details with complete confidence.

    Nothing is happening from this screen and there isn't a 'proceed' type of button.

    I can't work out where I've gone wrong - any suggestions?

    On searching previous Protx threads I read about a OCCUPGRADE.INI file but I can't find that. Should it be here ....ActinicV7 > Sites > Site1 > CommonOCC ?

    in the CommonOCC Folder I've found Act_OCCPROTXTemplate and OCCPROTXScriptTemplate but not OCCUPGRADE.infi - will that be the reason for not being forwarded to Protx?

    your "OCCUpgrade.ini" is in your ActinicV7>OCCUpgrade folder


      ensure <body onload> is at the start of your page under </head>

      you got a url for us to view the issue and try and replicate?
      Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
      Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


        Not sure which page I need to check 'body onload' with

        Website is

        The hanging page I have is - not sure whether the 2nd one will work as it was initiated on my computer.


          Just out of curiosity, how long is your bounce delay set for?

          I was waiting AGEEEEEES to be put back after adding to cart?
          Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
          Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


            Help.....wheres your checkout link/view cart?

            I feel like a hamster on a wheel, going round and round, I can add but I cannot pay
            Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
            Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


              You should see View Cart and check out just below our banner on right hand side

              It doesn't take me long to bounce after adding to cart - about 6 secs

              I've changed it to 2 seconds from when I do next upload


                Originally posted by Little Lou
                You should see View Cart and check out just below our banner on right hand side
                Not on your brochure pages you can't...
                Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                  Oh dear....


                    Originally posted by leehack
                    Oh dear....
                    Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                    Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                      Oakie dokie - that'll be my next mission !


                        I've had an email back from Protx which has solved the problem and thought I'd post it to help anyone else in a similar situation.............

                        When Live, my Site does not redirect to the Payment pages

                        When changing from 'test' to 'production' mode within Actinic, the 'next' button, that transfers the users to the payment pages, is removed. Some Java script is supposed to handle this process, to auto redirect the user, but it may not be present in your Actinic templates.

                        If you are having issue directing the users to Protx, you can put the next button back.

                        Amend your act_occprotxtemplate.html file

                        Look for the following file within your Actinic directory. (OCCupgrade / CommonOcc/ act_occprotxtemplate.html). Open this file, find and amend the following:

                        INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="\"SUBMIT\"" VALUE="Next>"

                        You will need to change this to:

                        INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="\"SUBMIT\"" VALUE="Next>"

                        Basically removing the two references of NETQUOTEDEL:TESTMODE

                        Save the file

                        Amend the OCCUgrade.ini file

                        The OCCUgrade.ini file located in the root of the OCCUpgrade folder in your Actinic directory. Open the file in an editor like notepad.

                        At the top of the file are the lines that look like this:

                        Number=1045 (for example)

                        Increment this Number (so if it was 1045 for example, you will need to change the value to 1046) by 1 and save the file.

                        Upload Your Site

                        Now that you have made changes to your setup you will need to re-upload your site.


                        When you have uploaded your site please test to make sure the redirect works, when you click the next button.

                        Kind regards

                        Protx Technical Support


                          Hi Lou,

                          I also had this problem and was using this workaround and then i realised i was missing the redirect script in the outer layout of the psp bounce page once i had placed this back the psp bounce page now redirects without the need for the next button - Now that the redirect works I have removed the next button again.

                          The code you are missing needs to be placed just before the closing </head> tag in the outer layout of the PSP Bounce Page (which can be found in design view):

                          <actinic:block if="%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PageType%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20%27PSP%20Bounce%20Page%27%29%20AND%20%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsPSPTestMode%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20false%29" >
                          <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                          function onLoad()
                          // -->

                          Hope this helps.

                          Kind Regards
                          Located in Herts


                            Thanks Jon

                            That'll make it much more professional looking.


                              This is a V7 thread and the above is V8 code.
                              Lol sorry if this doesnt solve the problem then. I have only used v8 myself so was unaware that this might be different for V7.

                              Kind Regards
                              Located in Herts

