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Components not showing in cart on v6.1.5

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    Components not showing in cart on v6.1.5

    Really odd problem: any product that has a Component will not show the Component details (prices / names / attributes etc) in the shopping basket or at any point during the checkout process or on the downloaded order details. It's as though the products just dont have a Component at all. So, if someone orders a colour:blue size:large Thingumebob the order line only confirms they bought a Thingumebob and none of the detailed attributes. I need to use the component with varous attributes to give me the ability to enable / disable various permutations as needed.

    I have another site running 6.0.3 and have had absolutely no problems of this sort so have cross referenced every setting I can think of about 1000 times but just cant see why it wont work on the new site.

    The only time it even gets close to working is if I have a product that ONLY has Attributes (such as size / colour) and these selections show up just fine in the checkout.

    Any ideas fellow V6 whizzes ?

    ... off to try a reinstall and restore as a last resort.

    more anon


    Still no Components in basket

    I restored, reinstalled, re-uploaded etc etc all to no avail.

    ... that's it I'm outta ideas....

    Product > Component > Attribute > Choices

    When customer places order for Product any selected choices do not show up in the basket even if its a valid permutation.

    Anybody please: why doesn't this work ?


      There are a lot of settings for components/attributes and this kind of problem could be caused by several things.

      There's not really much we can do from the sidelines. If I were you I'd register a support request with actinic either by phone if you have cover or via the support form on the actinic website if you don't.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        will Actinic provide support for V6?
        I think the reason why you haven't had much response is that there are very few people who have a copy of V6 in use who could help.
        You could be waiting a while for someone using it to come along..and I'm not entirely sure that Actinic will support it either.

        Like Mike said, without knowing every setting of your set up, it's difficult to advise really


          An URL of a problem page and a note as to which product should have a Component would help.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Thanks guys... 36 hours without sleep and I finally found the problem...

            To lay out the products to meet the design criteria I had edited the Act_Productline.html template and used NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTS and the VARIANTSELECTORn . After much digging around seems this technique only works for products with attributes and not for products with components that have attributes.

            I've put back the original NETQUOTEVAR:ADDTOCARTBUTTON and this has got things back on track functionality-wise at least.

            I still need to find a way to break up the NQV:ADDTOCARTBUTTON to get the layout right but I'm gonna get some sleep before tackling that.



              why is it you only find out the answer once you already know how to do it... just found this:


              I'm a happy bunny now.

