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Errors on page - javascript?

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    Errors on page - javascript?

    Since I upgraded from V4 to V6 I get 'errors on page' on the status bar whenever the mouse passes over the icons. It's obviously some kind of javascript mouseover error. Anyone else had this? ( )


    I've deleted the contents of act_mouseover.html and it seems to be all OK now. Don't know why. I can live without the mouseover function if there's no better solution.


      Re: Errors on page - javascript?

      Originally posted by candleshop
      Since I upgraded from V4 to V6 I get 'errors on page' on the status bar whenever the mouse passes over the icons. It's obviously some kind of javascript mouseover error. Anyone else had this? ( )

      I'm getting this as well, it appears that the generated files are eferencing files on the local machine with actinic on it and not the web server.

      I got it working once and now it has come back
      Mark Newton


        investigating further the code generated on th live web pages is allong the lines of

        <Actinic:TEMPLATE type="begin" filename="d:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\ebu\Act_NavigationItem.html"/>

        this is for the mouseover effect of the nav buttons and also for the shopping basket javascript object.

        why is this happening? Anyone got any ideas? the templates seem fine.
        Mark Newton


          <Actinic:TEMPLATE type="begin" filename="d:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\ebu\Act_NavigationItem.html"/>

          This code is used by the Dreamweaver Integration and has nothing really to do with the JavaScript for the mouseovers.

          My suggestion is to

          1) Copy the files 'Act_MouseOver.html' and 'Act_NavigationItem.html' from the 'formats\themes\Business' folder on your PC (or from the 'BusinessCSS' folder if you have a design based on style sheets) into your site working folder.

          2) Ensure the following line:

          <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

          Is in the headers of your Primary template and is positioned above any other JavaScript expressions.


            Originally posted by cdicken
            <Actinic:TEMPLATE type="begin" filename="d:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\ebu\Act_NavigationItem.html"/>

            This code is used by the Dreamweaver Integration and has nothing really to do with the JavaScript for the mouseovers.

            My suggestion is to

            1) Copy the files 'Act_MouseOver.html' and 'Act_NavigationItem.html' from the 'formats\themes\Business' folder on your PC (or from the 'BusinessCSS' folder if you have a design based on style sheets) into your site working folder.

            2) Ensure the following line:

            <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

            Is in the headers of your Primary template and is positioned above any other JavaScript expressions.
            I have done this although the files mentioned were not in the BusinessCSS folder.

            I am useing a webite with CSS I selection one of the simple layouts as a strting point Nuber 5 I think.

            The web pages still don't work
            Mark Newton


              it works fine with off-line preview but not on the live web site.I have reapplied the layout 7 and my act_primary.html and the problem still exsists.
              Mark Newton


                Mark, what is your URL?

                I think this sounds like a problem with your BASEHREF command in the headers of the page but I want to test my theory.


                  Originally posted by cdicken
                  Mark, what is your URL?

                  I think this sounds like a problem with your BASEHREF command in the headers of the page but I want to test my theory.
                  Mark Newton


                    OK, well your BASEHREF

                    <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE=""/>

                    seems to be fine.

                    You have also got a problem on your shopping cart summary so it is as if no JavaScript is able to run on your online store. I'm completely stumped. Could you me a snapshot of your site and we will see if we can reproduce the problem on a different URL.


                      Mark Newton


                        This problem was caused by the server mapping .js files to the wrong executable on the server. After mapping .js files to the same executable as HTML files (ssinc.dll) the store started working again.


                          A Solution For Dave At Candle Shop

                          Hi everyone, I have found the solution definately to the Candleshops problem, not sure for Mark Newtons... Because I installed the Drop Down menus on I actually have a snapshot of the site in question.

                          The answer is in what Chris Dicken said above, i.e. you need to copy the Act_MouseOver.html from the 'formats\themes\Business' folder into your Site1 folder which I know you have tried.

                          However i am assuming you do not have an intact copy of this file because when I follow that advice with your snapshot it works fine for me, no errors and your buttons work.
                          As for you Mark, you need to either use the copy of the file i attached below, or get it from your 'formats\themes\Business' folder, It doesnt matter that it doesnt come from the BusinessCSS theme as CSS has no bearing on the mouseover function.

                          Dave, Looking at your current (broken) Act_MouseOver file reads thus:

                          OnMouseOver="onNETQUOTEVAR:NAVNAME();" OnMouseOut="offNETQUOTEVAR:NAVNAME();"()"

                          ...and the code on the working Act_MouseOver.html should be :

                          onMouseOver="SwapImage('NETQUOTEVAR:NAVNAME','NETQUOTEVAR:ALTIMAGEFILE')" onMouseOut="RestoreImage()"

                          now I am not claiming to understand why, but it seems to me they are very different, the javascript error you are getting is actually produced by your browser expecting the second image in a Rollover Button hence the error only appears when you go to click a button, and you can see the swapimage tag isnt there on the 'duff' copy. Maybe this is a template error, I havent time to test other themes until this evening now...

                          By the way you can simply copy the 'working' code above into your non functioning Act_MouseOver.html and all should be sunny in the garden etc...rambling now as I have another 9am deadline

                          Please let me know if this helps.

                          oh, just noticed can attach files so here is the working Act_MouseOver.html
                          Attached Files



                            Thank you to everyone here - this niggle has now been resolved, for me at least - thank you Chris & Steve.

                            This message board has been excellent for resolving the issues I had. Other peoples experiences and having experts on hand has really helped increase my understanding of the product. So much better than the old system!

