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Anyone help with this error msg when uploading site?

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    Anyone help with this error msg when uploading site?

    This morning been having issues with our poor excuse of a web hosting company regarding the hosting of our site, as changed the network settings over to our new domain and hosting package and did a test, but was getting permission problems when writing to the directories.

    So informed the webhosting company about this and they have been all morning trying to sort this out. Anyway ive tried to do an upload and it did everything correctly right up till the end point - see screenshot attached.

    As I am aware they are still on looking into this for me, does this error msg in actinic still refer to the permissions on the webhosting? As I still cannot do a successful test on the advanced network settings.
    Attached Files

    Try a refresh as suggested if it fails change host to one that works correctly with Actinic


      Originally posted by RuralWeb
      Try a refresh as suggested if it fails change host to one that works correctly with Actinic
      i had two different hosting packages setup with the same company, one for the live site and one for testing, the testing site was working fine, but am sure its to do with permissions with the webhosting.

      have done a refresh and still same.


        Not much more you can do if the host will not play ball



          As I orginally suspected, it was a problem with the webhosting regarding Permissions. All is working again now

