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Permission denied Error Actinic Ver 7

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    Permission denied Error Actinic Ver 7

    Hello - hope you can help....

    I've been running my test site for a couple of weeks now on the WWW.
    It has been working reasonably well, then this afternoon, when i was just browsing my site and go to Products i received a -
    A General Script Error Occurred
    Error: Error opening ../acatalog/90Z198Z229Z135A1193088482B29214.session (Permission denied)Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    I have not made any changes or haven't even telneted into my site for over a week. Why now it has decided to go wrong i don't know !
    I have advised my support@1and1 and they replied -
    Please contact your web developer. It has something to do with your
    scripts and not with the server.
    If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Out of desperation I have tried 'updating' my site but get the error -
    An error occurred while writing to "acatalog" on the web site. The problem is probably due to permissions problems,.
    Please help - as I am at a loss !!!
    Many thanks in advance

    Do a refresh and if that fails a purge and refresh.


      If you get nowhere with the refresh then check that the permissions on your acatalog folder is set 755 or 777. It sounds like they might have been reset to 644.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        i searched the forum on your behalf using "session Permission denied" and found several threads with the same issue, all pointing to file/folder permisions errors.

        try this, then do your own search to see if you come up with other solutions if this doesn't work us what you found out and the solutions you applied.


          I had a problem a while back similar to this.
          It is definetly relating to the permissions on your webhosting account
          for the web directories/folders. Make sure that your webhosting account is set to read/write permissions for all directories/sub directories.


            Confused ?!

            Many thanks for all your thoughts.

            Don't ask me why but two days after I started getting this error - the fault corrected itself ??????!
            I contacted my web hosting company (1and1) asking if the had changed any settings - but was advised that the site had not been touched ....

            Anyway - the site seems to have been behaving itself since.

            Many thanks again.



              Sorry to be a pain but.....

              how do you get the menu to open automatically like you have on your site?




              "Life's a bitch, then you die!!!!"


