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Calling a different OrderDetail template on "Add to basket"?

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    Calling a different OrderDetail template on "Add to basket"?

    Hi all,

    I don't suppose this is possible, but I'd like to be able to create alternate Act_OrderDetail.html templates.

    The reason for this is I've created a "Pay invoice" product with a value of £0.01 which enables people to pay their invoices online. I know it's not ideal, but it works. We are a registered charity so using payment services (such as PayPal) are out, as we have a very tight budget and traffic of users using this facility is too low to justify any extra cost. So I've created this 'product' to enable customers to send us their card details in a secure manner - which is all we really need.

    To help people over this 'Heath Robinson' method of invoice payment, I've created a number of step-by-step instructions; however, people still have problems (because they don't read them)! It seems the main issue people can't get their head around, is that when they add this "Pay invoice" product to their basket, they have to enter the "Quantity" they want, rather than the "Amount" they are trying to pay (which is counter-intuitive).

    So, by my (simplistic) reasoning, if I could have a separate confirmation page (Act_OrderDetailInvoice.html, for example) I could make a simple change to the HTML of this so the confirmation page would say "Amount in pence" rather than "Quantity".

    Of course, I understand that it wouldn't be that simple. I assume that changes would have to be made to at least the cart ( script, if not the order ( or cart manager ( scripts, so when the 'Pay invoice' button was clicked, it would display Act_OrderDetailInvoice.html rather than the usual Act_OrderDetail.html.

    So, my questions are:
    • Is this technically feasible?
    • Is this feasible for me (OK with HTML; no experience with script changes, but perfectly capable of following detailed instructions)?

    If it is possible, please can anyone help, or at least point me in the right direction?

    Hi Mark,
    If you wanted to configure Actinic purely to receive charitable donations, then this is how you can do it:
    1)Have one product on the first page with a price of one pound/dollar. This product is called 'Donate to such and such'
    2)Change the button prompt to read 'Donate Now'
    3)In Act_ProductLine.html replace any instances of
    4)In 'Design | Text | Web Site | Misc.', replace 'Quantity:' with 'How Much Would You Like To Donate? £'
    5)In 'Design | Text | Web Site | Misc.', replace 'Confirm' with 'Donate this amount'
    6)In 'Business Settings | Shipping and Handling', make sure no shipping charges are made
    7)In 'Display | Text | Web Site (cont) | Invoice Address' only ask people their name, phone number and email address. Replace 'Invoice Address' with 'Donator Details'.
    8)Replace 'If you want to ship the purchase to an address other than the invoice address, check this box.' with 'If you wish to go on our mailing list, check this box'.
    9)In 'Delivery Address' change 'Delivery Address' to 'Contact Information'
    Then upload your store and test the changes. This work around was taken from the Advanced Users Guide , page 54.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Thanks Bruce,

      I was aware of this from the AUG; unfortunately the payments section is only a small part of our main site, which has 900+ products for sale; one of our payment options is to request an invoice with order - which is why we have the facility to pay the invoice online.

      I understand that it wouldn't be an easy task; I guess I was wondering whether it could be accomplished with a few lines of code changes in some of the Perl scripts, or whether it would take a complete rewrite of the scripts in order to make it work.

      If it's the former, I'd appreciate a helping hand; if it's the latter I'll understand!

      I've just thought; could some other scripts be used to change the text on the confirmation page? For example, using some sort of JavaScript to change the text on the confirmation page when the call comes from a particular page? I know it's a more 'rough and ready' solution, but hey, if it works …?
      Last edited by Sadcase; 06-Nov-2007, 10:22 AM. Reason: Additional thoughts



        This will have to go onto a wish-list as it would involve a huge change to make the cart appear differently depending on the product that was added to the cart.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Thanks Bruce.

          I figured it wouldn't be an easy job, and I appreciate you telling me so!

          As the next-best thing, I'm currently playing around with adding instructions the confirmation pages to help make the process proceed more smoothly.

