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stops at checking search indicies

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    stops at checking search indicies

    hi all,

    has anybody had this problem when uploading changes ?
    i can't down load orders either - is there another way to get my orders as i've had a few this morning.

    i've done housekeeping / compact databases.
    i've upgraded the site
    i've checked FTP settings with help of hosting company and they say it's o.k
    i've done advace / network set up and done a test.., it comes up wit specified username and password incorrect - i've re typed them and it still won't work.

    any ideas?


    When you say it stops at "checking......" does it error? Does it present any message?
    If all that happens is that the upload dialog box dissapears then perhaps you could try changing the script ID in the network settings. I.e. increment it by one , click apply and try an upload again.
    If you need the script ID to stay the same then simply do the above and then change it back.
    Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
    Ecommerce Digital Marketing

    SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

    SellerDeck Hosting
    SellerDeck Digital Marketing



      thanks for the reply.

      when it gets to search indicies, the dialogue box disappears.

      i read the previous problems on this and decided to try upgrading actinic.

      now when i try to download orders i get a message saying " server version = 7GBGA , client version = 7HCFA - try web refresh"

      but obviously when i try re fresh, it stops at search indicies.


        Then I would suggest changing the script ID as per my previous post to see if that resolves the issue and allows you to refresh.

        Failing that try a "purge & refresh" from the "Help | TroubleShooting" menu.
        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

        SellerDeck Hosting
        SellerDeck Digital Marketing



          just tried purge and refresh as you said and that dialogue box now disappears.


            Originally posted by super cat
            just tried purge and refresh as you said and that dialogue box now disappears.
            It now dissapears? You mean it wasn't dissapearing before? Am I misreading your posts?
            If it is dissappearing then have you tried my earlier suggestion of incrementing the script ID and attempting an upload?
            Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
            Ecommerce Digital Marketing

            SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

            SellerDeck Hosting
            SellerDeck Digital Marketing


              yes, i did try incrementing the script ID , then tried a refresh and that didn't work either.

              re: my previous post.., i meant the dialogue box disappears at "checking search indicies" rather than stops at that point.




                i managed to download my orders by down grading back to 7GBGA.

                i still can't upload or refresh because dialogue box disappears when it gets to checking search indicies.

                i am now out of stock on 2 items, is there a way of deleting those items incase somebody tries to order them?



                  Hi Barry

                  This could be possibly down to some corrupt script files on the server which are not getting overwritten while doing a purge and refresh. I would suggest that you ftp to the server and delete the exisisting cgi-bin directory, create a new one and then do a complete refresh.

                  I hope this helps

                  Dhivya Malani


                    Try Web | Generate Web Site - then refresh


                      Thanks for evryones' help.

                      i deleted the files as suggested and it is now working..., just tried it

                      it was a good job business was quiet and nobody ordered my out of stock items.

                      thanks again


                        I had the same problem today, trying to upload and only getting as far as 'checking search indices' before the upload box disappeared. However, as I was reading through this post, I realized that I had previously changed the password for my web hosting account but had forgotten to update it in Actinic. A few seconds later, all was well again.

                        This might be of some help to someone else who has the occasional senior moment!

