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Rearranging Terms & Conditions

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    Rearranging Terms & Conditions

    How do you rearrange your Terms & Conditions to show for example, the Delivery Schedule first?

    Much appreciated.

    Hi Christy,

    You can change the way they display on the site but not the tabs in the software, so it could get a little confusing. To re-arrange the headings, click on 'Design | Text' and you will find the titles at the following prompts (by clicking on the 'Go To' button and typing the ID number into the ID field):

    About Us - 116
    Making a Purchase - 117
    Shipping And Handling - 149
    Delivery Schedule - 118
    Back Orders - 119
    Tax Charges - 120
    Credit Card Security - 121
    Guarantee - 122
    Reaching Us - 123
    Privacy Policy - 143
    Remittance Terms - 124
    Returns Policy - 1921

    Just type the names into the prompt fields in the order that you want them to appear. Then type the information into the correct tab in the Terms & Conditions ie, if you change 'About Us' to 'Delivery Schedule', you will have to type the 'Delivery Schedule' details into the 'About Us' tab in the software.

    The only one that you won't be able to move is the Shipping and Handling option as the change of name here also changes it on the 'Invoice Address' page for the shipping options.

    I hope this helps.

