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Copies of orders

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    Copies of orders

    Up until 2 weeks ago i always had a copy of any orders recieved come into my home e-mail. Now they have stopped completley. The customer is still getting theirs and i have checked the business settings which still have my email as correct and enabled. Have also checked my email settings which are ok and are not blocking.

    Any Clues

    Ta Bob

    take a look in your error.err file and see if there's any messages there. Other than that there's not much I can suggest although you could try copying it to a different email address and seeing what happens.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Can't see anything in error files in the actinic file (relating to this anyway)
      and have changed email addresses too ?!


        spam filter...


          At the end of the day there's only four stages to the whole process:

          1. get actinic to send the emails.

          You say the settings and email address are correct, that actinic is sending the customer emails and that there are no error messages. Kind of rules out a problem here, although this is where most problems occur.

          2. The emails are accepted by the smtp server and sent out.

          If customers are getting their emails and there are no error messages then this seems to be working OK.

          3. Emails arrive at their destination.

          As long as the email has the right address there shouldn't be a problem here. If the emails we're being rejected you should be getting back 'undeliverable email' messages.

          4. Emails get downloaded to your inbox.

          Check whatever spam filters you have. Check your spam mailbox. Check you haven't changed your emails settings from a default email address for all incorrectly addressed email into a 'black hole'.

          All I can suggest is check your settings esp email address, run an etwork test, place a test order, make sure it arrives, check all your inbox settings, spam folder, etc again and see if anything shows up.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Bt ?

            I have double checked that my settings are enabled stating my home email address as the recipient.
            The server that sends them to me after actinic shows them leaving.
            My home email spam filters etc show nothing has been or would be filtered.

            Someone has suggested that BT have filtered it before it gets to me, but of course getting someone in BT to talk too properly is about as likely as England beating (oops!)

            Any one else ever had these kind of problems??


              Up until 2 weeks ago i always had a copy of any orders recieved come into my home e-mail. Now they have stopped completley.
              Have you tested if you specify an on domain email to send the copy email too, if thatsworks.

              If may simply be you can not send to a BT address


                I have tried changing the email to a non bt email, which didnt work either.

                Perhaps you cant email to a bt address, but as i say up to 2-3 weeks ago i was, and have recieved hundreds over the last year or so.


                  yes but did you use an on domain email address.

                  Its somewhat irrelevant to say it has always worked until now, as time goes on more and more hosts and ISPs have to engage anti spamming techniques, this could be a victim of this. so you may have to find a way around it


                    Sorry i must be having a stupid moment as i dont know what you mean with on domain


                      as an example, lets assume your website address is

                      an on domain email would be


                        the email that comes to my home email is from sales@ bla same as my site www.bla bla( for eg)


                          If you're with BT then you probably have a BT yahoo email account. Log into your email account and look in your 'bulk' mail folder. You can also see if Spamguard plus (the spam filter) is enabled.


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


