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'Select Shipping Destination' error - cannot place orders

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    'Select Shipping Destination' error - cannot place orders

    Hi folks

    My client is reporting a problem where customers can no longer place orders because of an error message that prevents them from checking out.

    When they order an item and proceed to checkout they are asked to initially select their country from a drop-down list. However, when they go to the next information screen (for invoice address) it still asks for the country information.

    After filling this form in and clicking on Next, customers get the message:

    Select Shipping Destination - Please select a country.

    No matter what we put it we can't get past this screen.

    Any ideas? We have searched this forum but the answers don't quite apply I think. The client has three shipping 'zones' but there are no countries listed for these shipping zones and no zones or countries specified for payment.

    Thanks for any help

    If nothing has been changed recently (highly unlikely) then do a web refresh and possibly even try a script number change. Otherwise reverse the changes that have been made or at least let us know what they were.

    It's exceedingly rare for a site that has functioned well for a some time to just fall over unless there has been some intervention.


      Yes, it usually is the client that changes something!

      Anyway, I have stumbled on a solution. It involved unchecking the option to request location information early. This appears to have made the scripts remember and accept the location of a customer.

      I also reduced the timeout on shopping carts and customer information being retained.



