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Paypal again - sorry....

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    Paypal again - sorry....

    Thought i'd best start a new thread just in case my question gets lost in the previous one.

    I've attempted to integrate the paypal gift vouchers and the subscribe option as seen here:

    However when I press the button to take me to paypal I get the following script error....

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: The specified product (reference submit) has just been removed from the catalog. Please return to the catalog and continue shopping. If you press the Refresh or Reload button on your browser, the removed products will no longer be visible in the catalog. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    Is this because i've put a form inside a form?? any suggestions on what i can do to get it working?


    Best Regards - for all your Healthy Chocolate Needs - yes I did say 'Healthy Chocolate' - for a range of natural health and wellness products - for Forever Living's Aloe Vera Products

    Most likely yes. The best might be to create a new layout for these products with gift vouchers.


      as a side note is it me or do yoru store sections drift to the main section ( ie th e middle of the page)

      ive checked with IE7 and FF

      jus tignore me if im wrong
      Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
      Current project:
      Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


        Still the same problem mentioned in post 2 of your original thread.


          Originally posted by leehack
          Still the same problem mentioned in post 2 of your original thread.
          Enjoying the highlighting again! LOL

          Thanks Lee - as you mentioned in original thread I did try in text fragment of brochure pages and it worked and I also embedded html into product description as you suggested which is now where it's not linking to paypal.
          I guess it might have something to do with the form tags??

          It was suggested I create a layout specifically for these products, can you let me know which template would be the base template I'd start with?

          Cheapprices4U thanks for letting me know the menu's drifting - it shouldn't be - does anyone else get this problem and how do I anchor it to prevent it from moving around.

          Thanks all
          Best Regards
 - for all your Healthy Chocolate Needs - yes I did say 'Healthy Chocolate'
 - for a range of natural health and wellness products
 - for Forever Living's Aloe Vera Products


            Create a section and add a fragment to contain this code. Why do you need to have it as a product? People leave your site to go do this don't they? If so, no need to have it as a product, a fragment is perfectly fine.


              Thanks Lee

              Originally posted by leehack
              Create a section and add a fragment to contain this code. Why do you need to have it as a product? People leave your site to go do this don't they? If so, no need to have it as a product, a fragment is perfectly fine.
              Thanks Lee
              Best Regards
     - for all your Healthy Chocolate Needs - yes I did say 'Healthy Chocolate'
     - for a range of natural health and wellness products
     - for Forever Living's Aloe Vera Products


                Do as lee tells you and as i told you on your other thread and it will work - see


                  Thanks, i have done as Lee's told me and what you suggested in the other thread and it is now working.


                  I guess I was just trying to be clever and add it as a product

                  I'll have to rethink the subscription one....

                  Thanks again.
                  Best Regards
         - for all your Healthy Chocolate Needs - yes I did say 'Healthy Chocolate'
         - for a range of natural health and wellness products
         - for Forever Living's Aloe Vera Products

