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Secure page when using 3rd party payment provider

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    Secure page when using 3rd party payment provider


    Apologies if this has been asked before, I cannot find it....

    I use paypal and Nochex for a payment service provider,(no the best option i know, but will have to do for now) However ive had quite a few people say they didnt like the fact there was no secure padlock on the customer details page.

    Is there a way i can possibly put the secure padlock there, even though i know i dont need it.

    If i can, is there any other changes i need to make also ?
    Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

    No you can't tell people the page is secured when quite clearly it isn't.

    you can either buy an SSL cert or use some type od shared offering from your host.

    Or just write some reassuring text on the page to explain to people why the page isn't secured and that as soon as they go to payapl/nochex to enter CC detail it will be secured


      no, i didnt mean tell them, i mean actually making it secure.

      If i turn the ssl on in business settings, will this effect the way the payments are done ?

      Or is there another way ?
      Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


        if you want to make it secure you must buy either a shared SSL from your host or your own SSL cert.

        once you have done this, you turn on SSL in payments tab

