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Where do I look for orders after a crash?

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    Where do I look for orders after a crash?

    I've got Actinic running again from a backup after I had a hard drive go down. The backup didn't contain the last few orders that had come in that hadn't yet been processed.

    An engineer has recovered a lot of data off the damaged drive and I have it on a DVD. Does anyone know which files I can look at to try to find the orders? Even if it's just the names and phone numbers so that I can contact the customers?

    In future, we will do daily backups and we'll print orders the moment they arrive!!

    Sarah Prisgrove
    No. 1 South African Shop
    5 Marlow Drive
    BH23 2RR

    if you use a PSP you wil lhave the info on the PSP control panel


      Unfortunately we don't have a PSP.

      I'm hoping to be able to look in one of the files, or perhaps to load Actinic on another computer and to try to restore it from it's own database backup that it prompts me to do when I close it.

      Sarah Prisgrove
      No. 1 South African Shop
      5 Marlow Drive
      BH23 2RR



        Apologies for the delay in getting a response ot this one. If you can locate the database, ActinicCatalog.mdb from the drive then you should be able to get to the orders if they were downloaded and still are undamaged in the database.

        You could load Actinic on another machine and replace the ActinicCatalog.mdb in the 'Site1' folder with the recovered one. Start up Actinic and see if the orders are there.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Hi Bruce

          Thanks so much for the reply. There is a ActinicCatalog.mdb on the DVD of recovered files. I'll be getting the crashed computer back in a few days, with it's new hard drive - all ready to be used again. I'll follow your suggestion and see what happens!

          Thanks again
          Sarah Prisgrove
          No. 1 South African Shop
          5 Marlow Drive
          BH23 2RR

