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NETQUOTEVAR's not rendering. Is this right?

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    NETQUOTEVAR's not rendering. Is this right?

    Going through the theme layout1 I am going the throught the he NETQUOTEVAR's working out what they do.Using this forum, the advanced user guide and the getting started guide I am having trouble working out what's going on. I can't work out why the following arn't rendering and how to get them to render.

    NETQUOTEVAR:FORMBEGIN = nothing rendered
    in the advanced user guide all I can find is that it 'starts the main store form and controls the online store'. What does it do?!?


    NETQUOTEVARESITEMAPLINK = nothing rendered
    can't find much online and nothing in the user guide

    What should they render?

    The site works. Should I be concerned?

    example of my work

    NETQUOTEVAR:FORMBEGIN = Starts form tag which surrounds the main form, needed.
    NETQUOTEVAR:HIDDENFIELDS = Hidden fields for ordering, needed.
    NETQUOTEVAR:SITEMAPLINK = Creates a site map link if used.

    You should keep whatever is in the default layouts to make sure it works correctly.


      Removing stuff just because you don't understand why it's there is a sure fire way of killing your site sometime in the future. For example, that NETQUOTEVAR:FORMBEGIN doesn't do anything right now but would come into force if you later switched a Section to use the Single Add To Cart shopping mode.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks for your response Peblaco.

        Originally posted by NormanRouxel
        Removing stuff just because you don't understand why it's there is a sure fire way of killing your site sometime in the future.
        To be clear I haven't commented them out (as explained in the Actinic help file) I have put comments just before the NETQUOTEVAR as a marker so I can read through the rendered code to see what they do. I have been through the rendered code in all the stages of the site and couldn't find rendered code next to my comments. I will have to go back and test again.

        Thanks for the explanation Norman. I just want to know/find out what they are for. In the user guide all it says for FORMBEGIN is:

        Starts the main store form. Replaces
        Overall Layout Template

        Doesn't explain how it it is used, hence my question. I have spent many hours trawling through all the available resources when your succinct 26 words gave me the answer I was looking for.

        Norman, am I missing some holy grail developer document that can give me the information such as the details you have given me.

        Thanks again.
        example of my work


          am I missing some holy grail developer document
          I don't think so. I've never had any information from Actinic that isn't from the usual suspects (Advanced Guide, Knowledge Base and the Forums).

          Plus years of poking through the Perl and other bits of source in the Site folder.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

