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Checkout Expiry

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    Checkout Expiry

    Hi there, just wondering if anyone would be able to help me with this problem.
    We use actinic to run the store part of our company website, all seems to be working well, however, we've had a few customers call up and say that they've got to the checkout part of the process and haven't been able to go any further (I'm not sure at what point this happens however as I myself have not spoken to any customers about it yet) they basically say that at some point the page expires and they can't go any further.
    I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this or a similar problem with actinic? I'm not sure if it's a problem on our part (either the server or actinic itself) or if its simple a problem with the actual customers internet connection (as we have a large amount of orders coming in every day, so obviously these customers are not experiencing any errors.)
    Sorry for the long winded explanation, but any pointers on what might be happening here would be great


    Have you tried putting through a test order yourself?
    Post a URL and some of us may try it.


      Hey, thanks for the reply,yeah I have tried putting through a test order, everything seems fine. I'm teaching myself actinic as I go, as the structure of the companys website was actually designed by someone else in the company who has now left, so he implemented all the structure and also set up everything to do with actinic, that's why I wasn't too sure what the problem could be. I've done a forum search and found a few people tracing it back to their web host.

      Web address for our company site is


        that at some point the page expires and they can't go any further
        Yep it just happened to me as well when I had a play.


          For some reason you can't get to the checkout if you go directly from adding to cart, however you can if you go from the LHS link.

          The site is setup very strangely. You seem to have different parts of the site in some directories and then it jumps to SSL for the acatalog (although it is named as acatalog2).

          Without knowing what's going on and why it's like that it will be difficult to determine whats wrong.


            At what point did it expire? That's the question I've been wanting to ask, but I've never been in the office when a customers called up about it


              The server time seems fine. You can see the cart expiry time in Web > Configure expiry Periods. 2 or 3 hours is quite typical.

              The only other thing likely to cause this is if customers have their PC set in the wrong time zone. They then often manually adjust the time to show the right time, but of course it's now completely wrong.

              That or cookies and domain changes.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                Hey drounding, I agree the site is set up very strangely, I believe it's because the guy didn't have much knowledge about actinic, so he basically done what he thought was best. However, I had to come in and pick up the pieces! So I've been spinning in circles for a while as he just had stuff all over the place!


                  I agree the site is set up very strangely
                  You have products under SSL, a basket not under SSL and checkout under SSL


                    Ahhh - another local Actinic user. Longtown/Brampton is a bit of an Actinic hotspot.


                      Yeah, I'm sat here in Longtown right now! Might seem like a crazy question, but how did you find out the SSL detail you just posted up here. I only know the very basics of Actinic so far, but I'm trying my best to learn more to try and sort out the organisation of this site!


                        but how did you find out the SSL detail you just posted up here
                        Just by clicking about on the site. It also throws up warnings about secure/insecure pages because of it.

                        Yep Ive built 5 Actinic sites within 10 miles of you - small world


                          Ah right! I've noticed them warnings appearing now and again! Any companys in particular you've made actinic sites for, that I'd recognise?
                          Any advice on how I'd go about fixing the unsecure areas? I don't understand how he's ended up with some secure areas and others unsecure


                            Any companys in particular you've made actinic sites for, that I'd recognise?
                            The nearest to you is A Bit Different (3 Miles) then there is Winged Heart at Brampton and Tony James (Radio Carlisle DJ) next to him is Warm Wellies and finally Truffles Chocolates.

                            I would remove the SSL and get a PSP to do the transactions for you.


                              Just had another customer call this morning and say they couldn't reach the checkout, confuses me how some customers can place their orders without any problems and others call up and say they aren't able to complete their order Is there anything I can check within Actinic's actual settings or is it simply a problem with how the site has been set out by the last guy who done it?

