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Exporting Themes

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    Exporting Themes

    I am being really thick here ..

    I seem to have themes exported for all sites apart from the one I need ..

    Last week i posted here because i rebuilt my pc and formatted without backing up an actinic site - i still had the folder with actinic in but couldnt use the program due to lacking registry items ..

    So i backed up the site folder - reinstalled actinic - then droped the contents of the site folder in to a new site i created .. thats good all the products are there

    however it does not have my theme - so i have looked through my computer and found i backed the site up back in june .. so i created a new site and imported this back up so now i have my theme on this 2nd site

    so now i need to export just the theme from the 2nd site and import it in to the 1st site ..

    I know you can back up themes because i have backed up themes (apart for the site i need) but i just cant remember how - and its quite urgent i work on this site today because the client has asked for some items to be placed out of stock ..


    Ok found it .. i wasnt looking in right place . /blush

    Advanced - custom themes - export theme .
    Last edited by sabbie; 05-Dec-2007, 09:57 AM. Reason: Found Answer
    s a b b i e t a g e d


    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..

    Design - Themes - Advanced Themes Configuration - Highlight the modified theme and press export.

    Exports as a .csc file (Actinic Clour Scheme)

