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adding new nav bauttons etc

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    adding new nav bauttons etc

    How do you add new nav buttons?? i have made some new nav buttons with a program called 1 cool button tool but i do not know how to get them onto the site!!
    also could anyone tell me the easyest and best program to use for making nav buttons and other small gfx items!!

    How do you add new nav buttons??

    Where do you want your new nav buttons? What do you want them to say?

    Any nav buttons that are not specified in 'Design | Options | Navigation' or in the 'image' fields for brochure pages would need to be hard-coded into your overall layout template.

    You would need to use code similar to the following to do mouse-overs...

     <a href="url_to_link_to" target="_blank" onMouseOver="SwapImage('image_name','highlight_image.gif')" onMouseOut="RestoreImage()"> 
          <img src="image.gif" name="image_name" border="0">
    Replace 'image.gif' and 'highlight_image.gif' with the filenames of your new images. Where it says 'image_name' - each of your new buttons would have to have it's own unique image name.


      this software is so not user friendly!!! i do not uderstand how to hard code html?? is there anyway i can do it in frontpage??


        The thing with actinic is that if you can't code html you have to use a layout/theme out of the box, and have done with it. You won't get a brilliantly designed shop but you will have a functioning one. This is why actinic can say the software is user friendly and any one can get a shop online.

        The rub comes when you realise that the out of the box solution (design wise) is a bit crude.....then you have to employ a designer to help you, or learn html.


          Any nav buttons that are not specified in 'Design | Options | Navigation' or in the 'image' fields for brochure pages would need to be hard-coded into your overall layout template.
          You would need to use code similar to the following to do mouse-overs...
          This is the method I used to add my about button to the NAV bar (after I deleted all the brouchure pages to get my catalog in the root directory).

          However, I just noticed that in the checkout - when all the nav buttons disappear - my about button is sat there all on it's own, looking a bit silly.

          As I am intending to add a few more buttons to the other NAV buttons, is there a way of making them all be there, or all NOT be there on the checkout pages?


            You can create and use a different Primary template for the checkout pages (Design Options | Layouts). So edit out the about button from the template, rename the file and select it for the checkout overall layout.
            Ben Popplestone
            Ecommerce website software


              hey that's useful - thanks!


