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Invoice/Packing List Printing stopped

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    Invoice/Packing List Printing stopped

    When I go to print these, I get the print menu up, however if I click on printer the hour glass shows for a split second and nothing happens. If i click print - it prints to nowere. I also cannot preview these.

    However if I print a data entry, it works fine, and I can also choose the printer with this option.

    Any ideas?

    Ive reinstalled my printer, and im using default invoices etc.

    Also, if I switch to another site, it works fine - so I cant see it bring the invoices they are the same one?

    Rather than clicking 'print' try going through the 'printer setup' options first.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thats what brings up the little hour glass for a split second.


        Thinking about this, if it prints fine when you switch to another site then you have a strange problem. Actinic remembers the print settings from one site to another (as well as using the same invoice rpt) so it sounds like there must be something other than the printer settings or report at work. (I'm assuming you've tried printing from the non-working site after printing succesfully from the other site).

        The only thing I can think of is to try compacting your database in case that's causing the problem and then contact actinic support.


        PS. I also seem to remember something about a registry edit being suggested for some printer problems. Have you searched the forum for anything similar?

        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Ive done a search, as I assumed this would of been another one of actinics numerous fiddly bugs. Not come accross much though - seems to be people unable to edit their invoices and getting those kind of errors.


            Try this one:


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


